I have increased my EV range slowly starting from 13 miles when I received my PIP in April to a high of today of 17 miles. What are the highs and lows of everyone else. I am from Oklahoma and I have a round trip of 45 to 50 miles half on highway speeds and half at 50mph country roads. I love my PIP. I average from mid 50's to low 60's overall mpg.
Mine went from 12.4 to 14.4. Thier is obviously some sort of physical limit and we will find out eventually.
I am very curious about your observations. Specifically, when you first see the 17 mile figure, have you actually looked at your odometer and checked if it actually reduces one mile for each odo mile? The other day I saw 13 miles on my pip and in nothing flat it then dropped to 11.3 which is where I have typically seen it. (nothing flat means about a block distance) Would be interested in your further observations. Cheers
A drop like that sounds like your climate control was turned on. Turning on the climate control (AC or not) will drop your estimated EV range by about 12+% or so +/- a few %.
yup, you're right. Climate control was on. Today it is 100 degrees too. Hottest since 1995 here in SE Wisconsin.
my driving is fairly consistant. my range is upto 15.3 and i typically drive 15-17 on my commute in all ev.
Mine slowly dropped from 13 down to 10.3 over the past 4 months. It's since risen back up to 10.6 in the past few weeks. I wouldn't be too worried about it. It's an estimation based on your past driving habits. As you change your driving habits to take better advantage of the car's EV capabilities, it'll creep back up.
to get the estimated range up, you have to drive more ev miles on a charge. to do that, you have to drive slower, with no heat or a/c, on flat ground with few lights and stop signs. otherwise, you have to live with less range. it's like more or less mpg's, it all depends on how, where and when you drive.
I think the EV range uses driving history in its calculation. Habitual flat driving, few stops, at lower speeds with less air resistance, should increase the EV range. With me, I get around 13.3 in the hills of CT. But I've had it fluctuate between 12.5 and 14.4. I'm getting 75 mpg on 50 mile round trip commutes. I find it nice to save 3 to 4 miles of EV for the final leg rather than deplete the EV up front because I can switch to EV for 60 mile per hour long downhill coasts, where HV would idle the engine above 45MPH.
I am getting 13.7 miles on the display. Now that it is close to 100 degrees F, I'm using the A/C more which eats up my EV miles. When not using A/C, I typically get more EV miles than is on the display when I first start out.