I was using Garmin in my old truck, and now I have this GPS on Prius v. I was trying to put Campmor's retail store in 810 Route 17 North Paramus, New Jersey 07652 When I was putting RT-17, the GPS automatically gave me 5 choices. Good.... But 4 out of the choices did not have the address (home address in this case 810) section highlighted, so I could not put the 810 in. One choice had the address highlighted, but the choice had no "8". I used "POI", and put "Campmor" and it gave me its HQ (?) in Mahwah. I tried coordinates, and it went nowhere (well somewhere except to campmor). I used Eastern Mountain Sports, which is next to Campmor. And it could not find it. So I had this GPS for nothing, and I used the iPhone to navigate. My old Garmin had no problem finding Campmor. What did I do wrong??
Welcome to the land of shitty third party built-ins we are stuck with! Both my old Magellan GPS and my $20 Sirius portable radio work better than the BRAND NEW factory unit. (my 2010 original pooped the bed......GPS can't find home and was changing radio stations.....) Yes.....GPS unit changing radio stations! Keep us posted on your resolution (or lack of)
One solution: When you get to your destination using your Garmin, go to the V's map, zoom in on your spot so you can see the road name, touch it, save it, rename it appropriately with a short name. Note how the car's system identified the road which may be an older HWY xxx or could be some local "Johnson Hwy" type of name. For example when I used Google map for the address I got: 810 New Jersey 17 Paramus, NJ 07652 instead of: 810 Route 17 North Paramus, New Jersey 07652
Bubbledogs, you are not alone. I dread having to find addresses on highways. Route 3 is also bad. When you got to the store how was the street name displayed on the screen? Bottom line is you didn't do anything wrong. You just need to learn the unit's language. Sometimes my Garmin works "better" , sometimes not.
Thank you all! I did write down the street name that the v GPS showed when we were at Campmor. Will try to find it again. I know "RT" "HWY" can be a problem also in Garmin, but gee, I was sweating when the v;sGPS could not find Campmor while Iwas driving to the general direction!