how about this one? 7.7hr drive. 415.1miles (that's 53.91mph average for those who have trouble with math) something that REALLY shows some realistic numbers on the Prius C: and yes.. i have that many miles on my odo.. actually.. it's over 9K now..
right foot went numb a few times... so i crossed over and used my left a few times.. only once or twice i turned on the cruise control.. and even then.. it was only for a minute or so to rest my leg... i do like to drive my car afterall... so i RARELY ever touch the cruise control. and yes... trip summary is for when you turn on the car.. and turn off the car... so basically what i'm saying is. i drove for that long without a break... and i use 24-hr format... so yes.. that's 348.. as in 0348... as in.. 3:48am when i got to my destination. yea.. i pretty much passed out after that.
I love it! Haha that is almost like the trip Mike and I took to pick up my 2012 in Carson. Left at 4am (Mike left at 2am), drove to Carson. Picked up the car at 11am or then left Carson after lunch and got home by 9:30pm? I was all shaky and twitchy after driving the entire way there and back. lol
Wow! You drive for work or for pleasure? I thought me at 5.5k mark now was a lot. Good MPG! I'm going on a 500 mile trip in a few weeks so lets see how that goes.
Here was my morning drive to work today. It is my regular drive between Baton Rouge and New Orleans. Most flat land. And, mostly interstate free-flowing traffic. I do 65 in the 70 zones and 55 in the 60 zones. I use cruise control almost the entire time. I rarely have to slow down to accelerate again once I am up to speed because everyone is passing me. I didn't remember to look at the average speed during this, but using simple math, looks like I was doing about 52 mph for my average speed. BTW, this is my first post on here. Been reading for about a week now, and just wanted to say a big Thank You to everyone on here for the tips. Loving my new Prius C 2 - Valdi
Today's Sunday drive from home and return same route. In other words, what I coasted down I had to climb first and vice versa. No wind to speak of.
I did stop briefly to look at some bison that a local rancher has introduced to his property and for a coffee at the half-way mark. But yes, slow. In my dotage I no longer go around corners on three wheels. I guesss the computer does some rounding off (and some not) in its computation. 51.2 x .63 = 32.319 and 32.6 / 51.3 = .63547. I had a shorter segment with better MPG, but did not post it feeling a round trip would be more representative. 'B' trip computer past record #2:
I just got my Prius C four days ago. I bought the car to commute and I have never owned a hybrid. I am amazed at the fuel economy. My 2011 BMW 550I 13MPG my 2011 BMW 328I 18MPG city and highway combined. I have been getting 53 MPG combined and I have seen 70MPG city driving. I could not believe it so I went and put gas and filled up with 3.9 gallons When we go boating if we get 1.5 MPG we get excited and we usually burn 300 gallons a day, I hope one day we can see similar fuel burns on outboards
He was an early buyer and has had his car for 4 months so he's on pace for 27k to 30k per year. He lives in CA, so his mileage probably wouldn't impress his friends much. (For reference, we drove 22k in our first year in the Prius.).
On my drive yesterday, temps in the 80's, half was down a 1.5-2% grade, the other half was flat with a about a mile up hill.
Totally forgot to take the pic but I managed 57.7mpg on a 170 mile trip from Bowie, MD to Atlantic City, NJ. Average 48mph and the outside temp was 83. Probably would've done better but we got stuck in traffic at three toll plazas on the way. Spent $13 on tolls but only $8 and some change on gas. Anyone else see the problem with that, lol. I will try to remember to take a pic from the trip home. SGH-T989 ? 2