My dealer wanted to sell me window tinting for $565. I then called around to 3 places outside the dealer and their lifetime warranty tinting cost between $125 - $165. Does anyone have any advice? MADICO seems to be the 'big' brand for window tints. 3M seems mostly for homes. Also, I didn't like the $1000 (from my dealer) chrome wheels. Standard issue looked nicer to me. Any suggestions there? I'm picking up my 2006 on 1/1 and am on vacation, so your advice would be most appreciated as I'd like to get this work done next week.
Hi Keqmoore. My advice is to buy as little as possible from the dealer, except for the car, of course. You can get better quality for lower cost elsewhere. One thing to consider with window tinting is that some metalized film may affect mobile phone reception. Make sure the installer guarantees no interference with reception. There are many brands, I've never heard of MADICO, so I can't recommend one. And I decided not to tint my windows since it's not all that bright here in the northwest for long stretches... The standard wheels are fine. I took the plastic trim rings off to improve the look. The stock wheels are 15", so if you want exotic tires, then you might want new wheels, but don't pay through the nose for them at the dealer.
I had my rims chromed for about $550 at a local tire place that just did a chrome exchange and I ditched the rings/hubcap things. As for tinting, I've been quoted around $150. Don't know where you're located but Kerry at Tire Man in Thousand Oaks, CA took care of me on the chromes.
My advice is to leave well enough alone. Neither tinting nor new wheels/tires are going to improve your car's resale value and will very likely decrease it. Also, the new wheels/tires will most likely reduce your mpgs, as has been reported all too frequently in this forum.
The '06 Owner's Manual also says that some types of window tinting will adversely affect the new tire pressure monitor system. I don't know how to check which will and which won't, but I suspect the metalized film might.
Thank you all so much for the sage advice. I think I'll hold off on the tinting until I can comb the Owners Manual and research metalized film. I love this site!!!
My dealer was in LA and he offered me windows tining for just 399$ which is nice because it doesn't warm up the car that much during mid summer. But my question is how is windows tinting going to have an effect on mileage as it is not that heavy too?
I just got my '06 tinted here in Fresno. Took it to a place called Shadow Enterprises. Up until this experience I thought they were the best in town. However they forgot to tint three windows. The rear lower one as well as the two small front ones. I did end up opting for a tint on all windows and it cost me $270. Its a non-metallic anti-fade, navigation friendly tint.
bbianchi, what tint (name) did you get? I am looking for a tint with those features. My dealer is offering to tint all the windows for 189$, though , I doubt its good tint. I get mine jan 9th!! woo woo!
It is my understanding that tinting all the windows is illegal in California. Window tinters will only say "which ones do you want tinted" and leave it up to you. If you get caught (as a friend of mine did on a BMW) by the CHP, it becomes a "fix-it" ticket and can be very costly, so you do so at your own risk "No person shall drive any motor vehicle with any object or material placed, displayed, installed, affixed, or applied in or upon the vehicle which obstructs or reduces the driver's clear view through the windshield or side windows" I just paid MSRP for my new car and don't want the added expense of replacing 3 windows. I'm only interested in tinting the back 3.
I disagree with what you've said here. If you don't want window tinting, fine. However, tinting does cut on the amount of sun which not only cools your car significantly in the summer, but also prevents fading of upholstery. I live in Florida where it gets plenty hot and trust me, dealers know that most people here get some level of window tinting, so your statement that a car's resale value will LIKELY decrease, frankly, is unsubstantiated. I have seen no proof, whatsoever, that a professional tint job reduces a car's resale value. Sure if you get a crappy job done, it might. But I've had window tint on every one of my cars and it never affected resale value one ioda. My two cents. Ken
Boy, that is one difficult code to read through. All the divisions/subdivisions/notwithstandings confused me, but I think the following does allow for some tint on all but the windscreen: " (d) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), clear, colorless, and transparent material may be installed, affixed, or applied to the front side windows, located to the immediate left and right of the front seat if the following conditions are met: (1) The material has a minimum visible light transmittance of 88 percent. (2) The window glazing with the material applied meets all requirements of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 205 (49 C.F.R. 571.205), including the specified minimum light transmittance of 70 percent and the abrasion resistance of AS-14 glazing, as specified in that federal standard. (3) The material is designed and manufactured to enhance the ability of the existing window glass to block the sun's harmful ultraviolet A rays. (4) The driver has in his or her possession, or within the vehicle, a certificate signed by the installing company certifying that the windows with the material installed meet the requirements of this subdivision and identifies the installing company and the material's manufacturer by full name and street address, or, if the material was installed by the vehicle owner, a certificate signed by the material's manufacturer certifying that the windows with the material installed according to manufacturer's instructions meets the requirements of this subdivision and identifies the material's manufacturer by full name and street address. (5) If the material described in this subdivision tears or bubbles, or is otherwise worn to prohibit clear vision, it shall be removed or replaced. "
Lets go worst case here. You get caught and yes its usually only the CHP that will write a ticket for it. They give you a fix-it ticket. The tint has to be peeled off, and you have to have any police officer sign off on your ticket claiming that yes its been removed. If you want to leave it off your done. However, you are also welcomed to have it re-applied. I have never had a problem for years at this point. Just dont be stupid and dont speed. Usually they only write it when they decide to let you off for a greater charge OR when you really screw up and they are just looking for things to tack on.