"The pictures you see on television of someone dropping a stitch -- you see them over, and over, and over again, and you think, can someone drop that many stitches? But it's really only one person dropping one stitch. And stitches get dropped. Because knitting is untidy. It's untidy, and it can lead to a big tangled clump of yarn -- but it can also lead to something wonderful. Like a sweater."
Well, he's kinda slow... but his heart's in the right place. (In his left buttock, I believe. (No, wait... that's his brain.))
<a href=\'http://www.sushiesque.com/adorablog/2005/11/how_to_knit_a_s.html\' target=\'_blank\'>He's knitting sweaters for the penguins.</a>
At first, I thought this would be about Trump, not Rumsfeld. Turn on your speakers and try having this Donald http://www.subservientdonald.com/ puke, eat, drink, sleep or die.