Below is a list of items I've compiled (most of which I've already bought for my Monday delivery of my Prius). I thought I'd share them and invite anyone to add their own. CIGARETTE LIGHTER "Y" ADAPTOR w/12" LEADS: $3.88 I have a TomTom going into my front cigarette lighter port and, when the time comes to slap in my MP3 player, I'm going to need an extra slot in the armrest in which to plug my cellphone. This Y splitter will allow me to do this. 3.5 MM Male to Male Audio Cable -- 6 Feet: $4.99 Speaking of MP3 players, you'll need a male-to-male cord to connect it to the auxilliary input jack in your center console. The 6' range will allow anyone in the back seats to play around with the actual unit if need be. MOTOR TREND 260 PSI AIR COMPRESSOR AND VEHICLE BATTERY JUMPSTART COMBINATION UNIT : $59.99 We've all heard the horror stories about dead batteries and probably have experienced it in our lives at some point. This combination unit will jump your battery and pump air in the tires -- great for emergencies! Accutire MS-4000B Deluxe Backlit Lithium Digital Tire Gauge: $19.24 Now, even though the above compressor may have a pressure gauge, you probably don't wanna haul the thing around to check. Get a decent digital gauge and check it every Sunday on the way to brunch. RainX Glass Treatment + Anti-Fog: $4.99 A nice thing to have if your in a colder climate and get a bit of rain and foggy windows. Be sure to wipe down your blades with white vinegar every so often. 3M Scotchguard: $10.99 Why pay the dealer $150 to do it? Get a few cans of this and go to town -- protect your investment! Zaino Show Car Products: $40-$120 Everyone loves a hot looking car -- for this, check out Zaino's line of show car products. A basic set of products can run you around $40 and go all the way up to $90-$120 for a full suite of their premium show car products. It's low maintenance after your first application and lasts a very long time. Be sure to always use 100% virgin cotton while cleaning your car!
Well, I'm spending $28,000 on the car, but only got her a $120 Christmas gift... I'm sure she's started thinking this. ;p
Ha! That's a good one!!! I try not to 'talk up' the car too much around my wife. She does wonder sometimes...
Oh, wait! I got her the $200 Kitchen Aid mixer she's been pining over for the past three years. She knows I love her -- although it seems normal when a man is obsessed over a machine. With a woman it's just... kinky. (Thanks god his wife doesn't read these forums)
And the time I spend on this forum is another concern she has. Opps! Got to go - the wife just returned from shopping. Anyway, thanks for the accessories list.
When I got Priapus, my wife acceped the knowledge that she got bumped from second to third in terms of those who receive my affection. Why was she second in the first place, you ask? Because Priapus now ranks second behind Nina, our cat.
After I spent an entire day on my FIRST application of Zaino on my wife's RX330, she commented that her car had more "rubbing" than she had the entire year. I quikckly replied...."looks like I have some catching up to do" :wub:
I'd probably get quite a different response... probably something more along the lines of, "Thank god he has something else to rub now." :lol:
By all means try the Rain-X, but... I've used Rain-X in all my autos for years now mainly so that I don't have to run the wipers when it rains or snows. I just buy the windshield cleaner/de-icer version and it's always worked fine. I tried it in the Prius and it had no effect. Rain stayed on the windshield as if Rain-X hadn't been applied. I'm thinking that the car design is just too slippery for the windstream to move the water off the glass. It looked as though the rain on the windshield was in a protective envelope. Any other Rain-X users see this as a result?
I use Rain-X and it helps. One key thing is to clean and dry the windshield before aplication; then let it sit for a few minutes after it seems to dry. Then buff it well with a clean towel. If you skip any of these steps it won't work nearly as well.
Thunder: More Zaino! and Enjoy!
Like you, I am a Rain-X fan and have used it for years. I applied Rain-X at the dealership before we even drove our Prius home. The trick is to let the first coat dry, buff off, and then apply a second coat. This method is described on the Rain-X label. For some reason you need to build up the first coat. I just use 2 coats everytime. The angle of the Prius windshield makes the raindrops just fly off. The only time I have had mixed results with Rain-X is on heated side mirrors. The heat seems to make the mirror surface change color (somewhat darker) but not a real problem. Ed