Well, I just got an update -- my #7 blue or silver should be here at the end of January. The dealer said he could probably get me one earlier if I wanted to take a #8, but I'm not crazy about the idea of paying $1160 extra for an option I really don't want.
Hollywood CA Seaside Pearl, tan interior Package 8 Dealer called, mine was supposed to be ready (being shipped in) today on the 31st, but I am holding off for Monday Jan .02. I have been on the list since late September 05. It's about fricken time. Wehhh Whooo! :lol: Happy New Year.
Suffering from PAS as well....put my deposit of $500 down on 8-25-05 #2 on the list for a Barcelone Red package #7 or package #8 with gray interior. Called the dealer today and he says he will find out Tuedsay if my car will be in the allotment. According to him if it is in the allotment it should take about 3 weeks ?*! PAS real bad!!!!! Anyone know the average price for the clear bra? Have a white 04 doesn't have one chips real bad. Want to get one on the 06. Any other #2 Prius owners?
Update: The dealer is getting a Classic Silver Metallic, Package #3, delivered 01/16/05. I told him I'll take it if he removes the Toyoguard from the order. He says "no problem", "its your car"! 16 more days of PAS!
Just ordered my 2006 Super White package #7 today ... supposed to arrive mid-January. By the way, thanks to all the members of this forum for the amazing amount of useful information about the Prius. It was extremely helpful to me while deciding what car to buy.
My 06 Blue Prius i-Tech is stated to be delivered in Jan sometime. Has anyone from Australia got there 06 Prius yet?
Placed order in November for Barcelona #8 in Chicagoland, $500 deposit at MSRP. Dealer called December 30 with VIN (I requested he do so) and said to expect the vehicle to arrive in 10-20 days.
My package #7 has been here for 3 weeks, I waited until 1/1 to pick it up, but I'm sick as a dog, called the dealer, said he'll hold it until I can get in. That was nice. I hope I feel better fast!
Purchased a Barcelona Red #3 today. Have been on the list for a January 2006 delivery since Sept.20, 2005. The Prius will replace my wifes 2000 focus wagon. While this is my first post, I have been reading this forum for many weeks, and thank the many that have helped me learn about the Prius
Order placed end of August with 2 friends for January delivery at $500 under MSRP. Two of us picking up January 02, the other in another week or two. Mine - Red #2 Tomorrow friend - Red #6 1-2 week friend - Red #2 B)
Welcome to PriusChat, Ron, and congrats! Did you buy at Toyota of Concord? It's one of three dealers where I was on a list
N = 80 blue = 21 red = 19 classic silver = 13 black = 7 silver pine mica = 6 driftwood = 5 white = 4 magnetic gray = 1 not spec = 4 #7 = 21 #8 = 20 #6 = 11 #4 = 7 #3 = 7 #5 = 5 #2 = 2 #1 = 1 0 (base) = 1 i-tech (AU) = 1 not spec = 4
Guess since there's not much competition for the base model, I should get mine in Feb as the dealer said. I think I'll put it off as long as possible to avoid winter!