I WITNESSED A PRIUS MIRACLE YESTERDAY! I backed out of the garage early yesterday morning, and unbeknowingst to me in my half asleep daze, bumped into my mom's car. I immediately jumped out to survey the damage and saw that the side of my rear bumper was deeply crushed. The dent was at least 8x11 in size, but luckily the paint damage was minimal. I arrived at the hospital (i'm in medical school) at 6 am, and spent the next few hours googling repair options. I went to my car at lunchtime to see the damaged bumper in full daylight, and...THE DENT WAS GONE! As in, completely back to new. As in, you could only tell I bumped it due to the paint chips. As in, I thought I was on a tv prank show. Has anyone ever heard of this happening?? Tis truly was a prius miracle. Yet ANOTHER reason why i love my car
I'm going to guess the car was parked outside and that the heat caused the bumper to swell, and it popped back into shape. Pretty darn cool, would love to see a pic. Got lucky this time...
I do my best googling & Prius stuff on the company dime too! Only I wouldn't waste my own luch time ... but rather wait until I finished my lunch, before I checked my Prius. Just a bit of advice. I'm sure my boss would think it's ok . . . if he ever caught me Welcome to PC - and glad to hear it ended well (gota go now ... the boss in coming) .
As the Op said, it's a MIRACLE. God blessed you because you have to wake up so early to work. Enjoy our nice car.
Mom's car, naturally, didn't even WINCE during the debacle. Yet another miracle! I kicked myself for not taking pictures :/ And yes, I live in sunny (err, sweltering) south Florida, so I'm sure the heat definitely worked its magic in my case.
I recently rented a Chevy Cruze for a weekend. When I picked up the car there was a large (6 inch diameter) depression in the middle of the rear bumper where the car had been parked in contact with an adjacent vehicle and I had the attendant note the damage on the rental agreement. When I came out to the car the next morning the bumper looked brand new and as though it had never been touched. There must be some great new materials being used in bumpers these days.
Haha, definitely miraculous. I have something similar with my pickup that used to make me jump until I figured what it was. I'll get slight "dents" in the top of the cab from putting stuff on it (including myself). They tend to pop out when I drive through the Coachella valley because the high winds cause a large enough difference in pressure between the cab and the outside air.