Let's talk about anything/everything Facebook related other than the IPO. There's already a Facebook IPO thread. I'll start. I only found out about Facebook forces all users over to @facebook.com e-mail addresses | Ars Technica after a FB friend posted this. Sure enough, it happened to me.
It happened to all Facebook users. Yes, it was a (typical) slimeball move on Facebook's part not to tell anyone, but it's an easy fix.
Yet another example of poor behavior by facebook. Is it any wonder I don't post anything personal on facebook at all; even my essential stats (birthday, etc.) I've falsified. I guess it does know my immediate family members, but nothing about me specifically.
There was/is? a virus called "Koobface" which is an anagram of Facebook. It was/is? used to infect visitors of the social networking sites- including Facebook. Koobface - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Facebook needs to go away- along with the Kardashian sisters and high taxes...
At least Kim Kardashian is hot. Facebook sucks. But others stupidity does provide some entertainment:
I generally like Facebook. It's great to be able to see what your friends are up to. It's great to be able to broadcast links, questions, what you're up to, etc. and have people respond. Unfortunately, there's this other problem w/receiving an unwanted @facebook.com address: Welcome to the soon-to-be enormous world of Facebook email spam | ZDNet . The article's wrong though as [email protected] should be the way to reach Zuck given his URL is Mark Zuckerberg | Facebook.
Facebook e-mail mess: Address books altered; e-mail lost | Internet & Media - CNET News I intentionally never turned on contact syncing in the Facebook iOS app myself.
Facebook is great stuff. It lets you easily keep in touch w/your friends, see what they're up to when they broadcast they links, pictures, check ins, status updates, etc. The opposite is true as well. Sometimes I post questions (just like on here or other message boards) to see if they have any ideas/experiences. Example: On FB, I posted about my search for cheaper brokerages for trading options (and a link a Barron's article reviewing brokerages). I actually got a helpful response from a former coworker and was basically able to cut my commissions from $2.95/contract to $1.25/contract. Makes a big difference for the types of trades I do. Even if you don't want to post a single thing, you can just find your friends and lurk.
They way I look at it, the people I care about have my phone number. If they care that much they can dial a phone. If not, then I guess they don't care that much. Facebook is an answer to a question nobody asked. IMHO
I and everyone else would be on the phone for a VERY long time. Phones don't convey pictures and videos very well either. I don't need or want my friends calling me all the time to tell me they went here or there, got this or that. If they post something related to it, I'll know. I don't know which of all my friends trades options. The guy that responded w/helpful info did but I haven't talked to him in ages as both of us no longer work at that company. Someone else responded who doesn't trade options, but at least it gave me an alternative to look at. Turned out to be a bad one, but still. A college classmate got married recently. I found out because of posts by his mutual friends along w/some pictures from the wedding. A former coworker also got married recently. Same deal. One of my old college roommates had a child recently. The list goes on an on... Seriously, get an account, add your friends and sit back. You'd be surprised. Your response sounds very much like that of a Luddite... We may as well dismantle Priuschat and all Internet forums/message boards because we can all call each other via phone... Remember the days w/cars before web browsers and before any car forums existed?
Which is why they have >900 million active users and 526 million daily active users... ( Facebook Now Totals 901 Million Users, Profits Slip | News & Opinion | PCMag.com )
I bet you're fun to watch the movie "Airplane!" with - "They're not calling him 'Shirley'! They're saying 'Surely'! Why does he keep confusing the two?"
Just because people use something, doesn't mean it serves a purpose. Look at myspace or any of the crap that came about during the dot com boom.
Damn right. It's like these auto-mobiles that these kids ride everywhere nowadays. It's just a fad, I tell you; a horse gets me from Point A to Point B just as fast and I don't need to wear those damned goggles!
HAHA we will see. If their stock values are any indication, we will see how long this "fad" lasts. If you enjoy spreading all of your personal information all over the internet, and into facebook's data mining servers then that is good for you. It is not my cup of tea however.
i dont understand why anyone who is on FB, would hate it? if you dont like it, get off. it is not required or would your conscious be to battered if you "unfriended" people you added during a previous weak moment. what is this "facebook.com" email thing?