Being new at this I don't pretend to be able to construct as good a poll as our more experienced members. But... inquiring minds want to know. So please, do answer the poll honestly and forthrightly.
i voted bingo. sim ly because i didn t know you were ca able of dis laying any form of emotion requiring the use of an exclamation mark.
Yet, the poll is as good as any other and, actually, would have been perfect had the obligatory "Bill Merchant" option been included.
Millard Fillmore is the ONLY OBVIOUS CHOICE. WHY CAN'T YOU PEOPLE SEE THAT! Susan Sarandon... bloody 'ell.
Are we going to have a runoff poll New Years Eve? Susan Sarandon vs cube root of -71? I hope -71 doesn't change signs in the middle of the run-off, confusing us all.
Thanks, I don't want to be polled (my horns or head cut off) or poled (images too graphic to mention), so I'll cube that negative root. Is that sort of like <a href=\'\' target=\'_blank\'>Potatoes O'Brien?</a>
I can't believe that the cube root of minus 71 has as many votes as Susan Sarandon. It's some consolation to me that "Full fathom five the east side lies" got one other vote besides my own. Who is the literary soul, if I may ask? A prize to the first one who can answer the following question: Everyone knows the lines from Shakespeare, "Full fathom five thy father lies, of his bones are coral made." But can anyone quote me the next three lines from the version in the poll? Honorable mention if you can name the author. (Of the line in the poll.) Deadline for the prize is whenever I get up in the morning on Monday, since I leave for my trip on Tuesday.