Just had the 2 inch Torklift hitch installed, and now need a light weight bicycle rack to carry 2 or 3 bicycles.
This is the rack that I was looking at once I get a hitch: Thule - 970XT Helium I like the fact that it is light weight for easy removal and lessens the impact of carrying 3 bikes on a car that shouldn't be towing.
Has anyone found a 2" receiver hitch for a 2008 Prius? Kicking myself for not buying one earlier from Coastal Tech who is now not selling the 2" hitch anymore...however found that I liked putting my bike inside the car better. However longer road trips and moving up ahead and need has re-emerged. Thank you!
Torklift offered to fabricate one. However, all options return to the 1 1/4" receiver (coastal tech, curt, uhaul etc). Yet I find that I may be lucky. It turns out that Yakima manufactures a hitch adapter, that actually converts my hitch to a 1 1/4" hitch bike rack. Checking somethings and going this way I believe. Thank you
just an update in case it's helpful to anyone else. Bottom line, the uhaul 1 1/4" rack with the Yakima bike rack (Yakima Bighorn 4) worked perfectly. As stated before, I bought the Yakima part that replaces the 2" tongue with the 1 1/4" tongue on the same rack effectively turning my existing rack into one that fit the smaller reciever. The Yakima racks use a locking hitch pin, a bolt that tightens it up and leaves 0 wobble. work's great! happy driving/cycling!