OK I do not know if F8L will agree with this momumental R&D from the other side of the pond, but... Even birds have favorite car colors -- to poop on - WTOP.com
F8L is some kind of authority on bird poop? I knew he was studying evolutionary science but what branch is "bird poop" under?
This seems pretty useless without some indication of the colors distribution of the sample. If 18% of all cars in that location are red...
Besides this, there have to be questions of car usage as well. What if the owners of those red cars happened to park under trees more than other colors? What if there was a significant portion of the sample that spent time under a roof (in a garage or parking garage)? How are those weighed against cars that sit outside 24/7? What about color distribution between the 5 cities in the study? If there was one city that had more red cars than the other cities, is it possible that avian distribution across Great Britain is not uniform? More birds in one area = more bird poop in that area, and a higher likelihood of it ending up on a car.
Well I am thinking F8L is a bird lover with a Red Prius. However I now see his new icon avatar is a white Prius. I rest my case.
Just had another thought... If I'm doing my math right, that's 54%. What color were the other 46%? Or was it that only 54% of the cars got hit? did they count multiple strikes separately?
...I am suspecting the nay-sayers have red Prii. Nobody with a red Prius can pooh pooh this R&D without full disclosure.
If you parked in the landing pattern of a flock of geese you've got a good chance of being hit regardless of the color. I park next to a red HyCam & seem to get more hits. I call "bird poop" on this study.
Rokeby, you beat me to the punch...... that car commercial is the best to date I have seen! Good post!