All those with Gen III solar roof option. Anybody have any problems with sunroof or solar panel cracking/breaking/discoloring/leaking? I haven't looked at one close, I guess it's glass. Just wonder if there are any issues out there. Hoping to get 2012 with this option.
My only issue is that on the road, my 2012 with solar sunroof feels significantly warmer inside than did the 2010 without sunroof, even with the vent (not AC) running at moderate fan settings. All that black solar thermal collection area on top seems to make a difference. Both cars are (were) the same color, Silver, selected in part to keep down that solar thermal gain. Parked in the sun is a very different matter, that forced airflow significantly reduces the inside temperature. For inner ear reasons, my sunroof is usually closed at highway speed. Those who keep it open probably won't notice this extra heat. I 'warmed up' to having another sunroof, which the spouse strongly desires, in part due to finding and easily fixing the sunroof water leak in the old nonhybrid. It is not meant to be permanently watertight, but instead has a drainpan with drain hoses running down inside the A pillar trim. The hoses shrank with age and pulled off the drainpan outlets, so water spilled directly onto the headliner. Some hose clamps (actually just multiple cable ties pulled extremely tight) now secure the hoses. Internet automotive forums can sometimes be extremely helpful.
I've had mine for 3 months in rainy Portland, and so far no problems. As long as the cover is pulled closed over the sunroof, I don't notice that it's any warmer than my 2005 was. Of course, I don't have that car to compare with any more. If I open the cover and leave the sunroof closed, it does warm up quickly in the sun. But I love having the vents on when I'm parked in the sun.
All's well since October 2009. It is likely warmer inside the cabin during the summer, while the sun shines, requiring more use of ac. But, it's also much brighter inside, especially in the winter months, and the window makes the cabin seem larger. I also think the Prius exterior looks better with the solar roof, but I'm biased.
No trouble whatsoever with mine. I had it for almost 3 years from May 2009 to March 2012. Being able to open the roof is fantastic. I still miss that. But then again, my upgrade to a PHV is pretty sweet. The fact that the car was always just warm in the summer instead of blazing hot certainly confirmed the solar did the job of cooling. Of course, if you forget to pull out the shade, that works against the effects of the fan.
Thanks all for the input; it was helpful! I read some other older threads about the sunroof option making the car noticeably top-heavy; and others postulating about slightly reducing the mpg due to reduced Cd. All in all, most people like it.
I have loved mine. I have noticed a big difference in parking in the hot Texas sun. Most of my cars have had sun roofs my last car a 96 Nissan has had no leaks so I don't think that's much of a problem Good luck Jen
Instead of a solar roof, I am a fan of excellent tint, windshield sun-shade, parking facing the sun, and cracking the windows open a bit. Oh, and parking in the shade
Just a note, remember to close the moonroof sunshade when parked. Even though the moonroof is tinted, it actually has the least heat-absorbing properties of any of the windows.
Had a doozy of a hail storm about a year ago. Thousands of $$ in tin and windshield damage. Solar roof and sunroof excaped without a scratch or leakage problem. So, ya they're both made of tough stuff
I have had my 2010 Solar roof since May 2010. Have not had any leaking issues (other than operator error... keeping vent open during rain). I really noticed the "advantage" when I took my wife's 2009 Corolla and parked it at train station last week. The steering wheel was so hot It was uncomfortable holding it...
Good to know! I'm always worried what would happen if large hail fell from the sky. I wasn't sure how strong the glass on the roof is.