For the first time I'm trying a tankful on "Eco" mode. So far highway seems a little better but city driving is worse. Does this make sense? If this keeps up - this tank will take my Fuelly MPG down. I don't try to get better MPG - just drive like I normally do.
Is your goal to get better gas mileage? Or are you just trying to drive normal and see where you land?
Very well put. I think more the latter " normal and see where you land?" Basically trying to see if "Eco" mode nets me better MPG while keeping my driving style the same as it's been for the last 7 tanks and see where I land.
Well good luck I have been playing around between eco and normal this tank (only my second with the C) and I was getting 3-5mpg less without eco mode on. I was even trying to be careful with the throttle.
Thanks. I think it's great that we can try different settings and driving styles to see if we can get better mileage. Kinda like a science project. Well - maybe not cause I didn't too well in science classes way back when.
I drive in Eco all the time. If I need to get on a highway, or make a quick left turn, I simply floor it. Eco makes it a lot easier to control the HSI bar and in my book that means better mileage. Of course, you have to want to play this game. I'm averaging 58.2 mpg over about 750 miles right now. YMMV.
If you are seeing less mpg in the city with Eco Mode on it is probably because you are accelerating too slow. Either accelerate in true hypermiler fashion or use the generally accepted efficient acceleration technique which means brisk acceleration using 3/4 of the HSI bar then lift off the throttle at your desired speed then reapply just enough pedal pressure to maintain speed. In Eco Mode you may be accelerating too slowly and thus spending too much time in inefficient acceleration.
Thanks for the info. I do notice that in ECO I have a harder time remaining in the EV "zone". In "Normal" the ICE stays off longer once the car reaches speed. Must be my "uneducated" foot.
No but as explained in the video this is only because he is trying to teach this driver how to use gliding techniques. In the video he says "in a few weeks you'll be doing this with your foot". Neutral is just a simple way to glide if you do not know how to enter a glide with just foot control. Neutral shifting is not the recommended method. I use gliding techniques and sometimes use the engine ignite delay method of starting out but I am still testing this. I don't practice his other techniques like rolling through stops our out of parking lots without stopping. I do, however, try to conserve momentum at every change I can get. Driving with load DWL is an excellent way to tackle hills and overpasses but since I am already going slow at 60mph on the freeway I cannot employ this technique but I do glide down the other side of all hills and overpasses.
This is the video I first watched to learn the different driving techniques It's not for a C but the info applies.
LOL good job. You should search that and the GenII forum for more tips. The c really isnt all that different such that their tips won't help.
Actually putting a car in neutral while on the road is against some states rules of the road. Not reccommended
Okay - finally got the car on the freeway again - Sunday afternoon drive. Went to relative's house in Mililani which is above the Ewa plain. So uphill for a few miles. When I left to go to Honolulu I saw MPG in the low 50s getting to the freeway. Going downhill I didn't look at the MPG at first. When I did - whoaa!! somethings wrong - high 80s & and got up to 91. Then it settled down around 70 MPG for almost 18 miles. Again - I'm not a hypermiler - just drive normal. When I first used ECO I was not impressed - mushy gas pedal and MPGs were actually worse than in normal mode. Now - unexpectedly - MPG is averaging in high 60s to low 70s on the freeway - 55 to 65 mph. Can anyone explain what's happening? Kinda scaring me...
I am getting 61 or so going 65 on flat freeway trips so I'm not surprised if you can get higher when traveling downhill.
Yes - the downhill segment was quite high - 80s and even a short while at 91. But that was only the first few miles. After that it was regular freeway - level and as much up as down. Stayed at 70 MPG for about 18 miles. Anyway - it was fun while it lasted and the 67.3 MPG over 22 miles is the best the car has ever done.
This is my first hybrid. I'm finding my mileage is slowly improving as I better understand the car and learn to drive it intelligently. The car isn't changing - I am. Is it possible the same thing is happening for you? Tom