Great stories/pictures! I talked to the vet this morning -- Laptop's urine tests looked fine, and she did another blood test for calcium, which came back high-normal instead of high. But there's still the unexplained weight loss, so she gave me a referral to a veterinary internist for an ultrasound.
We have two cats - Lannier (female) and Vir (male). Lannier is a fetch cat. When she wants to play ( of course all of this is on HER timeframe) whe will find a piece of paper (generally a cash register receipt) and bring to me and drop it so I can scrunch it up and throw it arround the house, She will then run after it, fetch it back to me and we will repeat until she gets tired and stops bringing back the wad of paper. If I get distracted she will head-butt me until I comply. If Vir gets involved, she will wait until he looses interest (generally measured in seconds - he is a male after all) and then the game resumes. All well and good. The night before last she woke me up at 3AM to play..... I thought we had it worked out - no playing at night. Now I need to work on retraining her - er- me.
:lol: :lol: Wonderful, Tony! (And it also illustrates the futility of trying to get cats to understand morals or ethics....)
Our two sibling sister cats and our five year old cat kasima are *all* bonded to my daughter. Luckily there is some rivalry between them, so I and my wife are given some opportunity to enjoy their company. It really is quite cute to find my daughter in bed reading, and cats draped all over her. I am Kasima's favorite toy -- we play a mean game of hide and seek. Which annoys the wife, because she says they only come to her when hungry. The joys of living in a catriarchy
Awww -- that does sound cute. By the way, here are my three -- Laptop on the left, Holly curled up in back, and Thunder stretched out on the right. [attachmentid=1652]
ooh, since we're posting kitty pictures here are my boys
Update: I took Laptop to the veterinary specialist yesterday. She ultrasounded (is that a word?) Laptop's sternum area and abdomen and didn't see anything unusual. She also took blood for some kind of specialized blood test; we should get the results next week. So... so far, so good. If the blood panel turns out okay, I'm just supposed to monitor her weight and encourage her to eat more. Poor kitty had to have some of her fur shaved for the ultrasound, though. And she doesn't like the Prius any more than she liked my old car.
The picture of the three cats, tunabreath, it looks like laptop would be saying "what do you want to do today?" and Thunder would be saying "I'm doing it". Quite the menagerie you have there.
Our cat is named Roomba because she is round and black, and I bargained with my boyfriend for getting her instead of a real Roomba. She also extremely overweight (18.5 lbs when we got her and up to 22.4 lbs in September when she went to the vet for her 1 yr check up). The vet was very concerned so she started eating only prescription diet cat food for a month. We had a really hard time finding a scale that measured any more accurately than 0.5 lbs, and even on our scale that measures to the 0.2 lb, her weight bounces up and down a lot. Moral of the story: 0.5 lbs with a cat could mean she had just gone to the bathroom compounded by a scale that rounds a lot. Roomba in her halloween costume (HATED IT): [Broken External Image]: More pics: Roomba Pictures -- Hillary
Hee. Now that you mention it, you're right. Wow, that facial expression is a classic. And Roomba is a great cat name.