From page 3: Umm, I see regeneration in 'D' most times I remove my foot from the pedal and drift along to a stop. The Energy screen shows energy going *into* the battery, and I'm getting 99.9MPG. Is this something they missed, or am I the one missing something?...
I notice when I'm on a straight flat street (usually going about 30mph) there will be times that nothing is on. I'll look at the alt screen and the little tires will be moving, but there will be no regen and no motors on. I'm guessing the car is coasting (but my foot is ever so slightly on the accelerator) so knows that I don't want to slow down and isn't trying to regenerate power because that would rob me of some of my speed. But this is where that section in Car & Driver really started to confuse me "Prius enthusiasts will revel in the B-mode’s efficiency when driving in stop-and-go traffic where hybrids return their best economy. In addition to saving fuel, B-mode often negates the need to use the brake pedal. The faithful will surely get 400,000 miles out of their brake linings by planning ahead, leaving room to slow down, and eking every last scintilla of momentum out of each milliliter of fuel." So, if I'm in moderately thick street traffic on my daily commute, I should be using the B-mode? Frankly, I'm kind of scared to use it without fully understanding it. I'm just getting out of the break-in mode (523 miles) and I haven't tried the cruise control yet, which I hear is great for even slower straightaways (35 mph). My problem at the moment with my conservative driving (I'm starting to get better at coasting & leaving room so that my 4 mile commute can get about 48 mpg from a cold start) is that it's pissing off those other cars around me. They ride my bumper (because I rarely tap the brake, my brake lights are rarely on) and tend to pass me a lot. The funniest part is that we all end up at the same stop lights. They don't get anywhere any faster than me.
Danny Rocks!! Mo; better pix! Frankly, Danny, I think your pix are far more useful in getting a (2-dimensional) sense of the 3F's; Form, Fit and Finish of the '04. Rock On, DMan! Bob
The guy in CD got a few points incorrect. * B mode will make stop and go mileage worse unless it allows the ICE to stop. The same amount of regen can be achieved under lighter braking pressure which will avoid the use of friction brakes until <8 mph. * EPA City is 60mpg, not 59mpg (which was the prelim estimate before finalized) * One counter point mentioned unrecyclable. The NCF makes a big point on how many things in this car are recyclable, and/or made of bioplastics. Otherwise, it's a great article. -Rick