As this radio is mostly dedicated to Southeast Asia region where majority of the units have gone to Thailand & Malaysia, especially Malaysia where there's no option for the Prius 2010-2011, there're apparently quite a number of problems resulted from the poor reception on the FM radio, including channel shifting when AF/REG AF is set on, besides the obvious static noises. Some have been heading back to the dealer & service centre but the headquarter of the sole distributor has denied all the problem & saying the radio is operating according to "specification", when it's asked to show the "specification", they cannot produce it. Only a few brave-hearted are going to bring this up to the court for a resolution which Toyota has improved it on Prius 2012 by adding the antenna, but they refuse to make comparison to 2012 variant because they've put in JBL touchscreen display & JBL speakers which are not the same audio system.
I'm facing the same problem too. Had made the complain and awaiting their feedback before bring them to court.
They knew what's wrong with it, they just refused to make the improvement on Prius 2010-2011, nearly 4,000 units on the roads in Malaysia.