I've been watching the Ottonavi website, checking on their prices, and a really weird thing happened. About a week ago, their website said the price for the Prius HU was $799 (I think). It's been this price for quite awhile. When I checked a couple of days ago, it had dropped to $699. I called them yesterday, and said they'd give me a little discount if I picked it up and they'd throw in some extras. I was going to go to their outlet tomorrow to buy it. Today, their website says $599. I think I'll wait a couple more weeks. You might want to take a look at their website at www.ottonavi.com. Mike
I have to admit that I don't know any particulars about its support of 2012 or 2011. The information I've been reading here I believe was all for the 2010. And that's the model I have. Maybe somebody can post the good and bad about it's support/compatibility with all model years. Mike