Have the base PIP and frustrated I can't, rather my passenger can't use some functions while driving. So far I have found two solutions. One is on the Prius Chat Shop for about $80 and the other Prestigious which is $300+ Anyone have exoerience with these units? Saw that Cactus was happy with Prestigious. Not su I would use the screen to play videos ski guess I was leaning towards the Less expensive model Thanks in advance for you pr input
I have the v1v from PriusChat for $100. It was tough for me to install cause I am an idiot. The guy that makes them, cproaudio is really responsive to questions and walked me through it. Works perfect. When I want my passenger to use it, I flip a switch and within 2 seconds, its usable. Only problem is that navigation stops working as the Nav thinks you are now going 2 MPH. No biggy, switch it off when you are done and Nav catches right back up to where you were. From what I read, the $300 one is really just plug and play. I think it uses a sequence of button presses from the steering wheel to activate and deactivate. I like the switch, and I have $200 in my pocket.
All you do is push the volume buttons: twice down and twice up and all of the disabled functions work....including full screen video! Awesome!
I talked with the people over at Prestigious today. The video will not work with the basic PIP so the only feature would be the nav bypass. It is $309 and there is no wire cutting. He was stressing that if you went with the $80 it would most certainly void the warranty and it was made in someone's garage not comparable quality of their unit. I tried to explain that that price point was too high for the basic owners (no video) who make up more than 80% of the PIP and that they ought to think about a $100-$150 retail price. They have already done all of the R&D and produced the product. Don't think they will sell many at $309 a pop to the Basic crowd. I could be wrong though.
Yes, you can watch DVDs full screen while you are driving (I don't watch, of course...the passengers do!) I haven't tried bluetooth, though! I'll have to check it out.
Since I'm technologically challemged, I Like the fact that they install the unit for $75....in less than an hour!
I'd also be interested if you can play video from other inputs using the Prestigious one too. I'd like to possibly be able to stream something using video out from my iPad or iPhone if possible. (I have an advanced)
The only video source is in the Advanced and it is the DvD player. No other inputs for the radio unit. You cannot stream video via iPod or bluetooth.
Just installed the PriusChat one. I had a friend do it, and he ran into no real issues. Put switch right by the drivers side of console, about right knee height when sitting. We don't get GPS signal by our house, so if we program as we are leaving the driveway, we most definitely get some strange route guidance until the GPS signal goes active.
I purchased the Prestigious Society mod for my Plug-in Prius (PIP). Took it to a guy who took only 15 minutes to install it and only charged me $40. Works like a champ. You push minus minus plus plus on the steering wheel volume controls to activate and de-activate it. Also, the video is always activated so you don't ever have to activate it to watch a DVD. I put in a Toy Story DVD and it looks absolutely great. While it is on the high side for a mod, the way I justify it is I will be keeping this car for many many years and when going on vacation it will be priceless to operate the system from the passenger seat instead of always having to stop somewhere to enter some data. Also, because there were no holes made the vehicle is still in new shape. I'm totally happy. Cheers
I am curious if the bypass in the chat shop leaves the video always on. If the switch makes the car think that its only going 2 mph and thats why all the features work that would mean that I cant play a video and while still running the nav. Id be pissed if I missed my exit because I was watching a video.