Since becoming a proud prius owner a few months ago, I am starting to understand the fascination and adoration owners develop for them. I always seme to read about people who werent really big on cars that are now totally enamoured of their vehicle...this includes me to an extent as well I was wondering, does anyone have a name/custom title for their prius, whether it be expressed on their plates or not... ?? my friends call my prius KITT, in homage to the futuristic car in Knightrider...
I've been thinking for months now about what I'm going to name my Prius. None of the names I've thought up or come across are really 'doing' it for me. What I'm thinking of doing is naming it the same name of my current car: Phillip. Because I really like the name for some reason. They're both black ext w/tan interior, so the way I figure it, all I'm doing is transferring Phillip(current car)'s soul into a newer, spiffier, far more upgraded car of similar color. It's the only thing I can come up with that makes sense (likely only to me). I've even been thinking about doing the license plate thing with just his name.
Mine is named Nemo. We put a Nemo antenna ball on it shortly after we bought it, and when we would walk out into a parking lot, we'd have our 5 year old daughter help us "find Nemo". We were talking about the antenna ball at the time, but after a while the name transferred from the antenna ball to the car. My wife hasn't named her's yet. If we had managed to get a seaside pearl one for her, she would have named her's Dory. Right now the closest her's has to a name is "your car", "my car", or "her car", depending on who's saying it and to whom.
Ours is "Midas" - with the Driftwood Pearl's just another shade of gold to me and everything it touches turns to my wallet!
I will be picking up my red baby in a week or so. Her name will be "Virginia." My favorite guitar player (Eric Johnson), named his guitar Virginia, so I thought I'd follow suit. Ken
I haven't yet named my 1 month-old Prius, but my friends already baptized it of: "Carro a Pilhas" which can be translated to Car on Batteries, but when the word "Battery" is not refered to the big car batteries (Baterias) mas to little AAA batteries (Pilhas). How lovely...
I named mine Wenster Karpatia Fliverena Wiphilofagous the third (also affectionately known as Myride)
I'll know for sure when I actually get my Prius what the name will be (I hope it comes in soon!) but right now I'm thinking Sol'lah, which is Hebrew for battery.
I too tend to refer to my vehicles unimaginatively - "The Jetta" or "The Escort". But sometimes the vehicle demands more, as with my '67 Beetle. When I first purchased it, my wife and daughter asked what I was going to name it. I replied "The Beetle" or something to that effect. My (then) 8-year-old daughter finished the sandwhich she was eating, wiped her mouth on her napkin and calmly stated "The car's name is Pilchard". I laughed at the time, but the name stuck and I even got the vanity plates. I still don't know where she got it from. Time will tell if the Prius has the same effect.
I'm thinking about Nina or Nicole, but am waiting a little longer to see if her (yes, I can just tell she's female) personality goes another direction. I haven't decided about the plates yet. Still trying to come up with something really clever, but it probably won't be related to her name.
I have always had names for my cars it makes it easier to curse at them when the need arises. The previous car a Ford Explorer was "The Beast" so the Prius is Belle.
that's a good reason :lol: my old buick never got a name. the prius is "electrophile" which is an organic chemistry term. an atom that has an affinity for electrons, which would mean it's positively charged. yeah anyway, electron affinity, electricity, you can get the line of thinking. i fully admit that i'm a geek.