Some confusion about the part numbers I've seen around in various posts: I've seen reference to periperals part number PXHTY1 (and sometimes PXHTY2 to go with it). And I've also seen a reference to a newer PXHTY3 which appears to replace the combination of either PXHTY1 by itself or the PXHTY1-PXHTY2 combination -- this sounds ideal. I've also seen reference to their part numbers AB-TOY (and sometimes the need for AB-TOYT to go with it). Are these the same as the PX numbers listed above? I've also seen reference in some posts to Toyota Y connector 08695-00370. Is this needed in ALL cases, or is it replaced by one of the Peripherals cables listed above? Can somebody clarify? Thanks for the help... mike
AB-TOYT and AB-TOY are the 2 cables I've used for my ipod2car. Works great. AB-TOYT is the cable that goes from the factory radio CD changer port to the AB-TOY cable. The AB-TOY (converts new school Toyota radio plugs to old-school toyota radio plugs) then goes into the ipod2car box. Out the other end of the ipod2car box is the ipod connector itself (goes to the bottom of newer ipods). PXHTY1 and PXHTY2 are the same as the AB-TOY and AB-TOYT cables, different mfg. The PXHTY3 is the new combo of both so only one cable is needed for ipod2car. Toyota Y connector 08695-00370 is the dealer/Toyota version of the AB-TOYT. Can only get the 08695-00370 at a dealer. It's rather confusing but bottomline is when getting the ipod2car, wherever you do, get both cables, whichever mfg that is selling the ipod2car. Or if ordering from get the PXHTY3. And to add even MORE confusion, it's sometimes referred to as Aux2car. I got mine from an eBay vendor. Lots on there, just do an ipod2car search. also has them. Good luck, I hope I'm helping here... Curt.
Thanks, Curt! Finally got all the cable info in one post By the way, is there ANY difference at all in functionality (volume, dip switch features, etc...) between ipod2car and aux2car, other than color and marketing? mike
Aux2car adds line inputs, not specific iPod support. The Neo and iPod2car are the same device. Bob
There is also the AUXPOD which I believe is the same thing as the iPod2Car: Bob
I placed my order with so I could get the all-in-one PXHTY3 cable. Now that I have it, I thought I'd post my thoughts about it. First of all, there are 3 plugs that come out the opposite end from the ipod2car unit so you have all the same options as either the PXHTY1 or the PXHTY2. This also means there are 2 plugs dangling loose in the dash (instead of one loose plug if you were to chain the PXHTY1 into the PXHTY2). The other side effect is that you end up having to place the ipod2car unit closer to the stereo -- you lose some flexibility in where to put the box because the cable length ends up being about half as long as the net length it looks like you would get when you put the PXHTY1 + PXHTY2 together. I think I'm fine with it, but all in all I don't see any advantage to using the single cable over 2 chained cables. Anyways, I got it installed and plugged in (in the dark with a flashlight) through the lower glovebox route (only lost one chunk of flesh from my hand in the process). Now I just have to velcro the box in place. Looks like I do not have flexibility (based on cable length) to mount on the underside of the dash or to the right of the glovebox. I haven't yet found a nice flat space to stick the velcro to, though -- everything I can feel up there has ridges. Did I miss a nice flat spot, or have you guys been sticking the velcro over the ridges? mike
Yup. The PXHTY3 is the one to use. There is no mention of it in the manual provided or the online version. I'm giving the install a shot later today! Cheers!
Can the PXHTY3 be used with the aux-box, or are those PXHTY pieces only for the aux2car? I figure why buy the AB-TOY and AB-TOYT when one cable will do in theory. I'm looking at add an aux input for a CarPC in my 2005 Prius (no JBL, no nav), so i am looking for a sure thing and have been searching the board for everything I can read. Thanks!