So I brought my C to the dealer for the 5k miles service and few other issues that were left open when I bought the car. The dealer gave me an IQ for loaner. Compared to the C it is a lot smaller. It has a smother drive but very wobbly on the freeways. Interior is not as nice as the C 3 that I have. The center console (Stereo system) looks to have been just placed on top of the dash, looks very awkward and cheaply done. No trunk space. On the freeway IQ was constantly being blown away from every car that passed, it felt very unsafe. My back hurt during the one hour drive to work so seats are not as comfortable as the C And to be honest I was a little embarrassed driving it, I’m sure for a girl it is a cute car, but I was not comfortable sitting in it. I can’t wait to get back into my C.
Or maybe it all comes down to personal preference, and has nothing to do with what's in one's pants? I'm so glad it reaffirmed your love of the c! I was afraid I would come in here and see that you regret buying it because you love the iQ so much
LOL, yeah it was only my observation and my preference. Don’t you agree thought that there are cars out there that are made to attract more the female population and vice versa for men? The IQ for example, IMO, is there to attract the younger female population. But, in the end you are absolutely right it is all personal preference.
Or, my favorite phrase, "Yes, Dear. How could I have been so thoughtless. I'm sorry. Please, have some chocolate." Repeat as required. I've seen the IQ from up close and sat in it. Better looking than the SmartCar. Room enough for my 6'2". All it needs is a Hyabusa motor in it. Can't tell what's driving it when it's wreathed in tire smoke.
I actually took a Scion IQ out for a test drive. It was OK. VERY slow to get moving, OK once up to speed. A little noisy. No spare tire. No cruise control. Jiggly ride, especially over larger bumps in the road. Front seating OK. The rest of the interior- fuggetaboutit. The price wasn't low enough considering it's only about a 5/8 scale car. Yeah, the aluminum wheels were nice-looking. The Yaris was a better deal, especially in SE trim. Obviously, I bought neither of those.