To begin, I tried search many times and unless I searched for just Auto I had no luck. You can imagine how many hits Auto had. Here is my question, last night on my way home I noticed something blinking out of the corner of my eye. When I looked to see what it was my Auto switch for the drivers side window would <BLINK>PAUSE<BLINK>PAUSE,PAUSE<REPEAT>. What the heck is that all about? Is that normal or is my car trying to tell me something? Thanks
Im not sure, I can check tomorrow... waiting for the window tint to dry It rolled down last night when I was stopped at a DUI checkpoint, but I honestly don't remember if I just held it or if i used the auto. (And no alcohol did not effect my memory )
Are you saying that the switch on the door blinks? That's really odd. I don't think mine even illuminates. Now I'm going to have to check tonight.