Year started off with a bang. I bought, for $3.99 from Walmart, a watermelon a few weeks ago the size of a bus. Literally as big as a bus, I had to get an 18 wheeler to carry it home. However, for the last two weeks I've noticed unusually small watermelons not only in walmart, but other local grocers. Has anybody else noticed this in their area? Not sure why they are so small but I refuse to pay even $4 for these pathetic little things, barely bigger than an orange!
Most of the melons, in season, I believe are grown in TX, if IIRC. They are probably small due to the drought conditions they've suffered. Then again, I could be mistaken on that information. I might try to grow them myself next year. I've wanted to put them in the garden for a couple years, but they vine out so much I've held off doing it.
Yep, this is why I don't grow them. I think they are like pumpkins in that to get a decent size one you need about half a million hectares of space. Not really a good crop for somebody with limited garden space. It would be an amazing accomplishment to feast upon my own watermelon, though. My love for watermelon is certifiable. Is it horses or dogs that can eat so much they get torsed intestines and die? If that were possible in humans it would have happened to me with watermelon.
Being a person who just lives by myself, I *like* those bowling-ball-sized watermelons. Don't have to throw 2/3rds of it away like a regular watermelon.
Google watermelon trellis for some ideas on growing watermelons in limited space. We are thinking about giving it a try next year.
I don't own a prius, just reading about them as I do an extensive survey of what i want to get at some point.... but last month in mid May I bought an exceptionally sweet and tasty and perfectly crunchy watermelon from Costco. Followed by one from trader joes that was a little less good, but decent. Your mileage may vary.
I'm very picky on watermelon. I like it nice and sweet and juicy. I believe the Sugar Baby variety is my favorite. I may try to do 2 or 3 watermelon plants next year, just to see how they do. I have a decent garden space, but the Oak tree in the middle of it is sort of an obstacle lol. I would grow them at my brothers, since he has 5 acres, but they'd probably die because he doesn't water enough.
I'm about 2 hours NE from you and we have had some very good watermelons this year too, small but good. I just finished one with lunch.
They're hit and miss. I've had one good and one so-so recently, but I pay a buck for them so I can't complain.
Sweet Watermelon Bowls Ingredients: 1 small watermelon Cut watermelon in half. Eat with spoon. Small and sweet is best.