I purchased the OEM foglight kit (from here) for my wife's 2010 Prius Four, but non-Toyota garages don't want to touch it ("it may be hooked up the computers", "I don't understand or work on hybrids") and the Toyota dealership won't touch it because it wasn't bought from them. Anyone got a contact for a quality installer in the Austin, TX area? Alan
Hi Alan, I have installed the OEM foglight kit and can tell you it was very straightforward. It took me 2 hours and the instructions are clear and easy to follow. The foglights have nothing to do with the computer system of the car and the electrical connection is made at a vacant terminal in the fuse box. Passing the wire through the grommet in the firewall as they instructed with a coat hanger & soapy water to lubricate it was easy to do once you identify the rubber grommet. I would think any reasonable garage would be able to install them without any problems. They work great and really do add some nice light. Good luck finding an installer! Cheers, Brett
Hello, I live in austin and installed fog lights on my 2011 a few months ago. If you want to do it yourself, you are welcome to contact me and I can talk you through it.
From what I can see, the job is best done on a lift and I don't have access to one. Also, I'm not terribly handy nor do I work well in the heat (looks like we'll hit triple digits this week). Thank you for the offer! I did go to the Round Rock dealership, but this time talked to the folks in the accessories dept. They confirmed these are not Toyota parts and wouldn't touch them. BUT they did give me a contact who does that work so I'm getting in touch with them. I know it'll cost, but my work requires my wife commute home at night and her vision problems make getting these lights on a priority regardless of price.
The factory fogs provide only minor improvement in visibility (as is the case with nearly all stock fog lights). I consider them mostly cosmetics. This one might be better for your wife.
i purchased some fogs online and took them to Sunshades Window Tinting- very clean install- they are north austin- near 183/45 # 512-249-8468. good luck -