I was just at a Toyota dealer inquiring about purchasing an extra charging cable so that I could leave one in the garage and the parts department doesn't even have them listed yet. Just curious if they are really going to charge $1,200 for them!
Not sure of an exact price but sounds close, I heard from a reliable source they will be quite expensive. There was a thread somewhere about this and I think in it someone noted a price their dealership had given them as well.
Crud, I was afraid of that. That's a huge liability.... They are completely begging for them to be stolen. How on earth can you justify a $1,200 charging cable that almost by necessity lives outside in the driveway at night?
Time to lower that deductible… though I suspect one could probably claim it on their homeowner's insurance if that was a lower deductible. And if it becomes a loss, it might actually amount to something on your taxes. Still, it's a completely outrageous price.
Maybe I should leave a cheap laptop in the car with the window open a crack. Perhaps it will distract them from the stuff outside the car.
So would this work as a replacement or secondary charging cable? Evr-Green Portable Charger, Level 1, EVC11-300 : Portable Charging Cordset
Sorry, new to all this. I've got 120v outlets at home and work and was looking for a second charging cable. I'm not clear what my good options are, if any.
IIRC, Nissan used to charge ~$500 for their L1 EVSE (which has thicker gauge wire than the Toyota unit) but pEEf (aka Ingineer) posted about My Nissan Leaf Forum • View topic - Nissan massively increases cost of new EVSE's. You could by the Volt's EVSE, but pEEf and others say it's crap. See My Nissan Leaf Forum • View topic - A Cheaper, alternative L1 for your Leaf. and the responses.
For what they cost now, unless you'd want to make your own and it can still be in the hundreds from what I have read, just use the one you got and plug, unplug, repeat IMO.
Ampera's mobile EVSE unit (6A/10A - 230V), that comes with the car, costs 290 EUR and the wall mounted EVSE (16A - 230V) costs 446 EUR. http://www.opel.de/content/dam/Opel/Europe/germany/nscwebsite/de/01_Vehicles/01_PassengerCars/Ampera/katalog/AmperaPreisliste_20120430_3_0.pdf
They should. The trouble in the EU is to get a 16A 230V mobile EVSE. They've been included in the first iMievs, but you can't get them anywhere anymore. Max is 10A or in case of a PiP 12A.
Youch. That's a very expensive cable. We might think if chaining the thing when it's left outside, recharging our PIPs. You never know if some copper-hunter might swipe it - easy pickings.
I think that as soon as the organized criminals see a hint of a black market for these cables, they are going to start disappearing. Like when the really expensive headlight assemblies were scarce in the US for my last car:
Yeah 02-03 Maximas used to be the target of HID headlight theft in certain states. All 02-03 Maximas came standard w/HID headlights. From the factory, it was easy to pry them w/o opening the hood due to their flimsy plastic brackets. Replacing the stolen assemblies was on the order of >$1200 for parts alone.
Which is why I'm curious why none of the plug-in vendors so far have chosen to help us protect $600-$1200 cables that sit helplessly in people's driveways. The value of the cable isn't mentioned by the dealer nor the documentation, which is going to lead to a lot of angry people who would have done something different had they known. We don't all have garage space. I thought I read about a locking mechanism for sale in Japan that secured the plug against the car. I would buy one of those in a heartbeat compared to locking it with a padlock against my door handle.
925$ from Ryan @ Elmore Toyota in Orange County (Westminister). [email protected] 1-800-997-9092. I doubt any dealership will beat that price.