Bring on the warm weather! Let's see those MPGs go up! Please post the following information (include as much as possible) as you drive your car this month: Tank miles: Overall Miles: Avg Tank Mileage: Avg Overall Mileage: Avg Temperature: Price per Tank: Avg Price per Gallon: April MPG Averages March MPG Averages
Most of this was driven in April. This was almost 3 mpg better than last tank, but I chickened out on the tank mileage, since the last bar started blinking at a little over 400 miles. Tank miles: 465 Overall Miles: 2494 Avg Tank Mileage: 57.7 (displayed) 55.6 (calculated) Avg Overall Mileage: 49.5 Avg Temperature: 53 F Price per Tank: $16.71 Avg Price per Gallon: $1.999
Most of this was driven in April. Filled when last bar was on (first fill-up) Tank miles: 367 (9.5 Gal) Overall Miles: 376 Avg Tank Mileage: 41.4 (displayed) 38.6 (calculated) Avg Overall Mileage: 38.6 Avg Temperature: unk 60-90 Price per Tank: $19.46 Avg Price per Gallon: $2.059 90% shorttrip driving... still learning the coast move. But this beats the 22 MPG truck and 20 MPG station wagon I was alternating with.
That reminds me of my first couple of tanks with mileage in the upper 30s per gallon. Just wait. It only gets better. As the car breaks in and you fine tune your "driving for mileage" skills, the MPG will increase dramatically. After about 3,000 miles, I'm now getting over 50 mpg on each tank. What a cool car! Also, check the tire inflation tips on this board. It really helped me with my MPGs. I'm running 42 front and 40 rear.
Tank miles: 753.63 refuel 12.56gallons (2001-13gallons/tank) Overall Miles: 24,459 Avg Tank Mileage: 63.3 mpg by the screen / 60.1 mpg. by calculation Avg Overall Mileage: 58.75 mpg by calculation Avg temperature: 60 Price per Tank: $43.60 Avg Price per Gallon: $3.47($1=109Yen) 17.3 miles/$ _______________________ USK Bordeaux mica 2001 24,459.66 miles / 416.30 gallons = 58.75 mpg 5/07/04
tank #3 Tank miles: 385 Overall Miles: 1237 Tank Mileage: 46.2 Disp tank milage 48.5 (? forgot to write down) Avg Overall Mileage: 46.8 Price per Gallon: $1.919 Not as good as tank #2 (49.2), but better than tank #1 (45.1) Brian
Run from 5/3 to 5/10: Tank miles: 515 Overall Miles: 5414 Disp tank milage 50.2 Avg Overall Mileage: 50.4 Price per Gallon: $1.989 Gallons Filled: 10.751! Miles over last bar blinking: 60.7 Was able to fill 10.7 gallons without splashback! It's only been about 50-70 miles, but I'm averaging 56mpg right now. I hope Prince Bandar spends that $20 well. -m.
Almost hate to do this to you RFlagg..... My third tank in a row to beat the EPA numbers and my 8th tank in a row to be better than each preceeding!! :clap: Ok, the numbers: Tank Miles: 513 (31 miles after last bar started flashing) Fuel Added: 9.057 @ $1.829/gallon = $16.57 MPG: 57.5 shown, 56.6 calculated AVG Temp: 70F Overall 7284 Miles 48.0 LMPG
Even got cheaper gas than I did! Well, right now I'm hovering in the 53-55mpg you find it better to focus on the Consumption screen instead of the Energy screen? -m.
-m (are you James Bond's co-worker?) Gas prices are pretty much $1.859 everywhere here, including Wal-mart. But, you get a $0.03/gallon discount if you pay with a Wal-Mart gift card. I keep a card loaded all the time and use it religiously to save a few cents ($0.27 in this case--in 2 months that'll be over $1 and over the course of a year I'll have pocketed about $6.25--I guess I should invest that, huh! I almost always use the consumption screen. But, to be honest, I thought I'd give 'dead banding' another shot....still not happy or satisfied that it's any kind of hybrid holy grail. But, I was on the energy screen for that and when/if I can't tell if the ICE is on.
Tank miles: forgot to reset Overall Miles: 657 Avg Tank Mileage: 40.8 Avg Temperature: 80 Price per Tank: 15.00 (still had three bars, but I was stuck in traffic so it was something to do) Avg Price per Gallon: 1.99
I am on my 3rd tank Tank miles: 588 Overall Miles: 1468 Avg Tank Mileage: 52.85 Avg Overall Mileage: 395 Avg Temperature: 70 Price per Tank: 18.00 Avg Price per Gallon: 1.799 The last tank it drove 588 miles and I filled up with 10.003 gently topping off. Ralph
Today, I just filled up for the 3rd time following the dealer fill when I picked up the car on March 30th. Last fill up was two weeks ago today. :lol: I filled up on the slowest pump setting and then trickled it in after the pump clicked off at 7.5 gallons. The gas tank did it's dry heaves routine but didn't throw up any gas this time. If I wanted, I may have been able to squeeze in a bit more gas but didn't want to risk gas vomit on my shoes (or in the environment for that matter). Tank miles: 535 Overall Miles: 1855 This Tank Mileage: 550 This tank Overall Mileage: 52.6 indicated on the MFD This tank Overall Mileage: 54.55 calculated Avg Temperature: 68-88 degrees F Price per Tank: $20.00 Gallons to fill: 9.807 Avg Price per Gallon: $2.039
period ending 5/13/04 Miles 435.8 9.38 gallons at $1.919 displayed 51.2 actual 46.461 ambient temp....mornings 55-60, highs high 80s
Tank miles: 814.74 refuel 12.36gallons (2001-13gallons/tank) Overall Miles: 25,247 Avg Tank Mileage: 68.5 mpg by the screen / 65.9 mpg. by calculation Avg Overall Mileage: 58.96 mpg by calculation Avg temperature: 65 Price per Tank: $42.92 Avg Price per Gallon: $3.47($1=109Yen) 19.0 miles/$ _______________________ USK Bordeaux mica 2001 25,274.27 miles / 428.66 gallons = 58.96 mpg 5/14/04
Tank miles: 526 Overall Miles:3021 Avg Tank Mileage:60.0 Avg Overall Mileage:50.0 Avg Temperature:69.3 Price per Tank:$19.94 Avg Price per Gallon:$2.22
Tank Miles 496 Overall Miles 1578 Tank MPG 47.51 Overall MPG 43.91 AV. Temp 65 (Guess) Price/Tank 19.42 (10.44 Gals @ 1.86) Price/Gal 1.86 BTW, my gas gage seems reliable and I do not have a problem filling the tank. My Prius was manufactured 03/04. DicksieLee
tank #4 Tank miles: 420 Overall Miles: 1657 Tank Mileage: 46.9 Avg Overall Mileage: 46.9 Avg Temperature: low 60s (?) Price per Gallon: $2.039 One bar left (not blinking) was at a good place to fuel up. 8.952 gallons. Brian
Tank miles: 661 Overall Miles: 4700 Avg Tank Mileage: 57.5 Avg Overall Mileage: unknown Avg Temperature: 80 degees f Avg Price per Gallon: 1.859
Miles 2400 Avg MPG 50.1 Avg price $2.00/g Temps 40/50 to 70/80 [align=left:b3181c5140]miles tank gals calc mpg price date MFD mpg 5220 356.6 7.223 49.37 1.869 2nd 49.6 5625 405.7 8.947 45.34 1.939 6th 49.3 6095 469.2 9.953 47.14 1.959 12th 47.5 6465 370.0 6.763 54.71 1.959 16th 51.6 6921 455.8 8.621 52.87 2.089 21st 53 7318 397.5 7.736 51.38