What's the best MPG you guys have managed to achieve without riduclous hypermiling techniques? My first two tanks were right at 56mpg, but I managed to increase that to 59mpg just by learning how to better drive the car. I don't pulse and glide, I don't even glide at all. I just drive like a normal person that cares about their gas mileage. My driving is about 2/3 city/highway. So I'm wondering, what are other people that drive normally getting for mileage?
Without defining 'normal' a definitive answer is impossible. Is that a tautological statement? You obviously know how to get to fuelly.com. While there, one can see that the MPG range reported goes from about 39 mpg to about 64mpg and the 'average' reported is 52 and change. If the average is normal, then normal drivers average about 52 MPG. Do 'normal' drivers report to fuelly or are they abnormal for doing so? I'd say most drivers do not report their mileage figures, so answering your question becomes at best, a guess. I'd guess that most normal drivers driving normally will normally get around 50 MPG. Do you normally drive on the freeway or do your normally drive in town?
If i do extreme hypermiling I am getting close to 50 MPG... I think something is wrong with my HSD, I only have 1200 miles but my average is at 40MPG. Last weekend I drove 170 miles on the highway with Cruise speed of 72MPH - A/C Off except occasionally to defog the windows due to high humidity, was driving in ECO mode, outside temp was 82 degrees, light wind - and only got 36.8 MPG on the trip there and 38.9 MPG on the trip home. In town driving to/from work about 8 miles I can get about 42MPG. Its almost like they put a 1NZFE engine in my car instead of the 1NZFXE engine - I honestly have beaten these figures with my exgf's yaris sedan in the past.
That definitely seems way off the mark. I took eco mode off and drove the car like I would any other car on a 95% highway trip that was anything but flat. It did 58mpg on the way up in ECO mode and 51mpg on the way back with ECO mode off. That was cruising at 75mph. Are you driving around with lead weights in the cargo area?
Getting a consistent 55-56 mpg on my 40 mile (one way) commute every day. It's half highway at speeds between 65 and 75, and half rural/city at speeds of 30-50 with ten potential stops (lights/turns). This is in ECO mode, but without any special driving techniques except trying to keep the ECO bar out of the red power section unless absolutely necessary. I measured one 10 mile stretch at the end of my commute one morning, where due to traffic, I was unable to go over about 42 mph, and probably averaged around 34. With 5 stops, I got 76.5 MPG during that stint.
Cargo area is empty - in fact I removed some of the crap from the factory so if anything the car weighs less. I think the car has an issue. I know that when I take it in the service dept will give me the runaround... Here are the responses that I am expecting from them 1. Your mileage may vary - you are probably driving to aggressively... ( Certainly wrong here ) 2. Engine and tires have not broken in yet... (Others are getting significantly better with same miles on the car) 3. The computer says your car is fine... Coming out of a 2010 Prius - I can say that I never achieved MPG that low even when driving like a jack@$$ in the winter up a mountain in Colorado with 3 passengers and snowboard gear.
That really sucks, man. I'd call Toyota and complain if the dealership doesn't want to help you. Poor MPG claims are always difficult to resolve. Having spent 8 years at a Toyota dealer, I've seen my fair share and those are exactly the answers you're going to get. Maybe the e-brake is stuck on. lol
The problem is most people don't know enough about cars to argue the subject. But being someone who has built and rebuilt multiple vehicles and understands the technology really well I will not settle for those answers. I literally was able to get 42MPG out of my Scion XB which is essentially as aerodynamic as a house - I also swapped out the 1NZFE on that XB at 80K miles when the original one went bad. What it comes down to is that if I wanted a yaris - I would have saved $9K and bought a yaris... Anyway - sorry to hijack the original topic - in theory - if you drive your car like a car you should be in the high 40's to low 50's without giving much effort.
dellrio, what psi do you run? Does the car glide well, or do you sense negative g's instead? Don't give up on the car. It should work once you find the culprit. Edit: Also, do you find the engine running even when warm and no climate control?
42PSI all around, car glides fine... Today I noticed the engine revving very high when moving at 5 MPH, I have heard this is one sign of a failing traction battery. I truly doubt its something small like tire pressure - I mean i am essentially 10MPG off EPA on HWY, City, and Combined. EPA 46,53,50 Me 37,43,40 - This is what I would expect for the same size vehicle as a non-hybrid. And I regularly beat EPA in my 2010 Prius and my 2006 XB
Stuff like pulse and glide or popping it into neutral on hills. Anything that adds hassle to the driving experience. Anticipating stops is good driving, fiddling with the pedal to find a "glide" point is beyond normal driving. Think of it this way, if it's not something your grandma would be willing to do, it probably doesn't qualify as "normal" driving.
What if you glide once in a while, but not all the time? What about making sure it drops into EV when you've reached your speed? It's hard to say whether I'm driving it like normal because my new normal is so vastly different from my old normal. With that said, I think I probably fit into your category of drivers...perhaps somewhere in between. I don't go all out with hypermiling techniques, but I do pay attention to how I drive in order to achieve better mileage. When my boyfriend drives my car, he really doesn't pay attention to mileage, and of course gets lower mileage than me. (Though I'm starting to get him to realize the fun in good mileage). Keeping in mind that I have a very short commute, my average so far is just over 50 mpg.
Check your 12V voltage. It is conceivable you got a bad 12V. Liftbacks are known to lose mpg trying to charge a 12V that will not hold charge. Best of luck through this frustration.
SO anything my grandmother wouldn't do is ridiculous? Well, for one thing, she never drove over 50 mph.
Anything your grandmadukes wouldn't do isn't normal. Mine never drove UNDER 50mph, so those cancel each other out.
From this we can clearly conclude that all driving is ridiculous by your measure. And since you are unable to put the accelerator at a given spot in order to control your car, perhaps we should all turn in our driver's licenses.
Make up your mind. You remind me of the joke about the driver who defines 'too fast' and 'too slow' as the the cars that have passed him or been passed, respectively. These are my definitions: Behavior that increases risk of accident to yourself or others: Bad idea Behavior that annoys other drivers not obeying the law: debatable Behavior that annoys other drivers obeying the law: Best avoided
I remember a George Carlin routine where everyone who drives faster than you is a maniac and everyone slower is an idiot.