Some people know. Like me, I happen to know that the C does not come with an alarm. However if you get a Two, Three or Four trim, it comes with the engine immobilizer, which offers some degree of protection against theft. However as others have said, if somebody really wants your c, its going on a flatbed. Less'n your alarm has some kind of forcefield or self-destruct mechanism.
the C doesn't come with a factory option alarm... and the dealer installed ones usually are overpriced and suck. btw, congrats on the car! hope to see ya around
I was also looking to get a Viper for my 2 but it seems like I'd have to carry an additional remote around and the unlock functions on the key itself would be rendered useless. Not a big deal but I would really hate to add to my key ring. Anyone know of a way to program the key itself?
Toyota does NOT make an alarm for the Prius C.. you don't have a factory alarm... because it doesn't exist.
because my prius C has the new keyless power button instead of a real key... which alarm system can connect to the toyota keyless entry remotes, so that i don't have to carry 2 remotes? anybody know???
I wonder if there's something out there... I'm also looking for something that doesn't make the keyless entry useless. So far I got nothing
Are you positive? If not installed at the factory, then it is at the port. I have an alarm installed and listed as an option on the sticker. This is not the immobilizer system. It's an additional layer on top of that has glass break and forced entry sensors. It came with a manual from Toyota.
unless something was released recently... i haven't seen a factory option. it's possible it's a port install
The V.I.P. RS3200 is a port installed option on vehicles equipped with keyless entry. I'm sure your dealer could order it also to install it there but they would most likely throw in an installation cost. It notifies you when the glass is broken and when there is forced entry in the side door. There is also other features like door ajar warnings and interior light functions. The MSRP is steep at 369.00, but I'm receiving it at invoice of $241.00. When my dealer called me to let me know my car was flagged on the boat, he had read me the port installed options which Toyota had already had listed such as rear bumper protector, carpeted mats, cargo mat and cargo net. I was able to request the paint protection film and alarm be added to that list all to be installed at port.
sounds like something special for the SET region... they typically have their own special stuff... though none of which i really care about nor would want. *shakes head*.... unless it's an actual factory option... i tend to stray away from things like that... there are some factory items that can be installed at port... but there are other things that are obviously not made by Toyota.