Are any of you fans of the TV sitcom The Big Bang Theory? It has some very good geek humor. Anyway, I was watching an episode the other day and one of the main characters, who is a physicist, was going to deliver a paper at a conference. His friend told him to lead off with a joke, so here is what he used: A poultry farmer was distressed because his chickens stopped laying eggs. He didn't know what to do about it, but one of his friends, a physicist, offered to help. The physicist came out to the farm, took a bunch of measurements, and went back home to analyze the data. The physicist called the farmer on the phone and said: "Okay, I have a solution for your problem, but it only works with spherical chickens in a vacuum." I like it. Tom
I liked the joke too. I'm a bit surprised that enough nerdy-type people watch the show to keep it on the air (maybe they're laughing at us). I've only seen the show a few times. The other surprise is that "Numb3rs" is still on the air. My wife likes the show because of the interplay between the characters and I get an occasional laugh at the "math" and "science" being discussed.
We love Big Bang at my house. It's like watching my son. He's socially challanged too. Some how he's managed a beautiful wife and son. knock knock, Penny, knock knock, Penny,knock knock, Penny,knock knock, Penny, Kills me everytime, but I'm easily amussed.
I like the show also. At the end of every show there is a producers logo that's on screen for just a few seconds. It looks like a typed written page. If you have a DVR reverse, pause, and read what it says. It's different for every show. You'll like it. Here's a link to Chuck Lorre Productions for the vanity cards at the end of the show. CLP - Vanity Cards - Big Bang Theory
I too watch this show. My Monday nights consist of Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Two and a Half Men and maybe Worst Week if its not too stupid.
The word "sitcom" suggests laugh track. I cannot watch anything with a laugh track. It drives me nuts. But then, I don't have a TV. I always run through the channels when I'm in a hotel, which is several times a year. There's seldom anything to watch. Sometimes Animal Planet has something interesting, or there's a movie. But the sitcoms get the remote-control zap quicker than anything. Someone says "hello" and there'll be laughter. Is there a better working definition of the word "moronic"? I have seen Cheers on DVD. That program was great while Shelly Long was on it. She was a genius. Diane Chambers was totally insane, and I suspect Shelly Long was a bit wacko, to be able to play the part that well.
I'm here to tell you there is hope for those socially-challenged geek. My son, who never dated in high school and ate nothing but junk food, got married 3 days after his 23rd birthday to a (relatively) normal girl from Iowa that he met at Brown when she lived next door to him in a coed dorm. They have been married 18 years and have 3 children. He is full professor of physics who studies neutrinos and a gourmet cook and budding wine expert in addition to being a great dad. Last summer they took all 3 kids (9, 11, & 14) to Spain and France for 3 weeks. He lives about 900 miles from me, but he calls me often (usually from airports because he travels a lot for his research). He's just a great guy & I'm really proud of him. (And he drives a Civic Hybrid)
I agree with you about the laugh track. The Big Bang Theory does have one, and it bothers me. That aside, it is a very well written show. Tom
Yeah, I think a lot of borderline mad scientists - who tinker in their basement or workshop - would really understand the punchlines that sail over an average persons head
That's hysterical! I dont' watch alot of TV and have never heard of this show, but I'm going to have to see if I can find it tonight (I think someone said that it was on Monday nights.) Any show that can tell a joke like that at least deserves a fair chance.
The Big Bang Theory: Watch Episodes and Video and Join the Ultimate Fan Community - Think of it as streamed video.
Check out the background of the scenes, my DVR freeze frames clearly, the Prop Dept has a sense on Humor as well as the Set Director. Schrodinger's Cat was good......