Thanks Jack your right on with your post! At this point I pretty much have everything I need besides a decent car. I already have 2 houses, big screen tv, Palm Pilot, Laptop etc. Only debt I have is the business mortgage that I decided I wanted to pay off as soon as I can. Yes like you the Prius price was to high but the tax credit was what made the difference to get the price down a bit. If I do get a Prius I will sure be happy in April of 07 when I get to minus the credit from my taxes. I hope if I get the Prius I will like it. I don't know why I wouldn't. But like you said if I don't for whatever reason I will just sell it. I just don't understand why I wouldn't like it from what I have said on any post here?? I'm really confused about that. I don't remember giving any type of list of expectations on the Prius.
Hello from Japan. Let me comment some... My car's normal usage is same as yours, a lot of short trips. My previous car was 1994 Honda Accord Wagon made in the US, and the daily mileage was 7km/L(16MPG) in winter. So, any car is not good for short trips. Now, my 2004 Prius daily mileage is 16km/L(38MPG) in these winter days. No, it does not meet the EPA number, but the improvement is more than twice compare to the previous conventional vehicle. My best record for long trip was 32km/L(74MPG) and 1,450km(900miles) per tank. It is "fun to drive" and my feeling is traveling by a dream car. Enjoy your Prius driving, Ken@Japan
I must agree with most of the "positive" people in this thread, all is not down to $ and cents... For myself I got the Prius for the looks in first place and for not having to pay the "smog" taxes for Stockholm, Sweden (upto 60SEK/day ~$8/day for driving in center of town.. *ouch*). And after the first dirve all I can say it's such an improvement from the MB A140 that I drive at the moment, both in soundlevel, fun-factor and fuel efficencie (sp?). The cost of buying a Prius in Sweden are HIGH... Close to £37.000 (Similar to package #5) while a similar car (Volvo V50 Flexi-Fuel with similar extras) cost $33.000. Soo I say go for by the heart!!! I haven't read all your posts yet but still if you have driven a prius and like it why not??? Buying a Ford Focus isn't exactly fun, is it??? Cheers, Zappa
I mainly do short trips and my Prius has always had an EV switch but I don't agree that you should instal one. You'll find you can rarely keep EV on for very long, the ICE will soon take over. If the car thinks it appropriate to go EV it will switch off the ICE anyway. The only time I use my EV switch now is when I want to move the car only a few yards such as moving the position on my driveway. With short trips you'll have to be careful not to run down your 12V battery too much, especially in the winter. Of course you'll always have to be careful to make sure your doors are properly shut. It might help the battery to switch off the interior lights which come on each time the door is opened.
Thanks for the comments. I glad to know that I'm not the ONLY does short trips. Is there a certain time I have to warm up the Prius? Or is it just like a normal car in that way?
Ok, well I can't drive it until I get it LOL Unless you will let me borrow yours until I get one So were's all the pics of everyones Priuses?? I though everyone on here would be showing off their cars? I want that white one with the nice rims in the photo section! Or am I missing photos that are in another section of this forum?
The Prius is the coolest car in the universe! But if you only drive a few blocks, what's the point of spending close to $30,000 on ANY car? I would NEVER recommend a Ford. But a recent-model used Corolla or Civic would be economical, safe, reliable, and good value. And if you are never going to spend much time in it, what's the point? I would not recommend a new car to someone who only drives very short distances. But of course, if you really really want it, there's no better car on the market. As for the RV, or any other vehicle that's used once or twice a year, you'd have been better off renting one for those rare occasions. As the first person on PriusChat to have installed the Costal Tech EV switch (though not the first to install an EV switch, since there was a DIY mod available earlier) I set myself up as somewhat of an authority: The EV mod is a fun hi-tech add-on to a fun high-tech car. It is NOT necessary and probably will not much help your mileage. But there are some situations when the car SHOULD go into electric mode, but doesn't. And that's when it's fun to have the switch. It will not affect your 12-v battery, as an earlier poster warned, but I believe that it is not helpful to drive more than a couple of blocks solely in EV mode unless your next drive will be a long drive starting cold. The EV switch IS useful in creep-and-go traffic, and in slow-speed driving under conditions when the car cannot get into full-hybrid (Stage 4) operation (which requires a full 10-second stop AFTER the engine has fully warmed up.) If you enjoy learning about how the car works and why, and you understand the conditions when EV is beneficial, and you want the option of telling the car to go into electric mode, then get the switch. (Be aware, though, that some people have speculated that it might affect your warranty. I believe it will not. But you need to make up your own mind.) If you are not interested in learning when EV is beneficial, then random use of an EV switch will DECREASE your mileage. In summary: the EV switch is fun, but not necessary. A car can be a tool or a toy. As a tool, you should match the car to your needs. A new car does not match the needs of extremely short drives of a few blocks. As a toy, only you can know if the fun factor is worth the cost. If you're buying it as a toy and you can afford it, go for it! If you are buying it as a tool (transportation) I think it's the wrong car for your needs. But the Prius is the coolest car in the universe. Maybe you need to move farther from work so you have an excuse to buy a Prius. (J/K - to use your expression!)
Weeelll...not exactly... actually its in another forum altogether. its the old Priuschat forum... here ya can look at mine
Right so that's what I will change my new car too. It's won't be a new car it will be my new toy. I guess there's worse things I could be spending my money on hey? This is the last thing I need really. I have everything else big I would need unless something breaks done.
Ok, then maybe this spring I should sell off my RV to us that money to pay for my Prius! Guess that would be the smart thing to do to help pay for my toy! B)
Heck - go for the Prius! It sounds like you are not financially strapped and like the Prius. The whole economic issue on the Prius gets too much attention. Once you have decided on a price range that is comfortable for you, it's a more personal decision based on many factors. I doubt anyone on a Miata forum would be suggestion you not spend $20K on a Miata and to go for a Ford Focus instead. If you like the car and intend to keep it for 5-10 years, you will most likely see an improvement in TCO that may bring it closer to a less expensive car, probably not equal unless gas prices hit more than $5/gal in the very near future. Net net - if you like the Prius and have the coin, I agree with Bill - go for it. Cheers, Jeff
I drove a 93 Ford Escort for 123,000 miles. Most reliable car I've ever owned (and I've owned Hondas). If Ford had any brains they would make a hybrid Focus; I'd probably buy one in a New York minute.
I was looking at the FAQ section for the 2006 model and came across the following at "25. Does Toyota support the modification of my Prius to be a plug-in Hybrid and run on electric mode only with a switch? Any such alterations, modifications or tampering with the vehicle voids the warranty and is likely to be counterproductive for air quality and Prius' durability and safety." Tracysbeans, I know some people don't think this means anything, but I am not one of those people. I love my Prius, but would not put an EV switch on it because I want my warranty to be valid, without question. CraigCSJ 04 Driftwood #9BC 31000 miles @ 48.2 mpg
Yeah I would probably wait on something like that until the warranty runs out. I just don't understand why Toyota doesn't come up with a PlugIn Prius. If a college university can make up why then why can't Toyota.