Has anyone made this work? If you made this work, can you attach a photo of your display so I can show my dealer that mine is broken? Mine just says that there are none along the route, or if I start on a local street, it will display 1 or 2 nearby, even when I plotted a route from Philadelphia to Atlanta. I am used to my Tom Tom / Garmin feature that shows me the restaurants or hotels along my route. It is wonderful on a trip, to be able to see and call the hotels an hour further ahead. It doesn't seem to work at all on my 2011 Navigation system - perhaps it is actually looking for an address on the interstate. Who knows. Toyota is in denial, and my dealer says that's the way works.
Have you tried to follow the instructions in the Nav Manual? They give very detailed instructions of how to do this. If you have followed the Nav Manual instructions and still cannot get them to display you should be able to show the dealer the steps that you have taken and that they still do not work. The only time that I see the POI's is when I am driving interstate and switch to a dual screen. I will do this if I am looking for gas or a particular restaurant on the way. It will display certain selected POI that I set up in the configuration parameters.
I am not interested in seeing them on the map. Poi's along route actually should produce a list of Hotels or restaurants (by type) that are along the route. If you have a garmin or a tom tom, try it. I attached a picture from my less than $100 tom-tom. You would think the onboard much more than $100 Nav system would this at least as well. Try these voice commands: Destination Point of Interest Along Route Hotels It should be a display similar to display you get if use the destination command to identify restaurants or hotels near your current location. If I do 'along my route' sitting in my driveway using the screen, I will get a scrollable list, up to about .6 miles away. on the local road to the interstate I will get a list of three on the interstate, I will get the report that there are no Point's of interest in that category along my route. So back to my original question - has anyone made this function work - comparable to the way it does on non-onboard systems.
Back to my original question, what does the Nav Manual say about your questions ? If your expectations are that the Prius Nav will do everything that your TomTom/Garmin devices do you are going to be sorely disappointed.
The after identifying Along Route as an option, it points to the next step of selecting the category. Yes, as you say, compared to other GPS devices, this is really disappointing.
I tried mine today on the way home from work. I just selected Show on Map at bottom of screen and there was a selection for POI. There is also a selection for selecting the types of POI. I selected Hotels, Restaurants and ATM's. The screen lit up with all kinds of POI's along my route home. One of the choices was Local POI. When I selected this I had a multiple page list of different local hotels, restaurants, etc.; above and beyond the national brands that evidently are the only ones that show up unless you select the local ones. Is this what you are talking aobut?
Hey plymouth-prius, I am not sure if I understood you correctly but I have a 2012 Prius Four base model and was able to replicate what you are asking. Correct me if I am wrong: So here is the screen after I've already started my 15 mile destination. Basically selecting "DEST" and selecting "POI" I selected "ALONG ROUTE" at the very bottom of the menu: Which prompts up a list of POI options. I choose "BY CATEGORY" I scroll down and select "HOTELS/MOTELS" on the menu: This is what I see as a result: If I selected "ALL CATEGORIES" on the above menu, then I see ALL hotels and motels along the way, not just what appears to be "premium" or chain brands: Here's another example using "COFFEE SHOPS" and then "ALL CATEGORIES": If I didn't select "ALL CATEGORIES", then only Starbucks showed up. Here's a photo of all the Hotels/Motels along a further destination - listing POIs up to 40+ miles away: Hope this helped! EDIT: I should also point out that you should increase the radius filter setting on your nav too. The available options are Off, 6 miles, 30 miles, 60 miles. (not sure if this affects traffics messages only or POIs too). The learning curve of the Prius navi is very high from my experience, but it can do all the basic thing my Garmin Nuvi 3790 LMT could do (cept for route planning, for example).
You have me wondering if the one in my car is actually defective... the fact that while on an interstate it always reports that there are no POIs along the route. I haven't found a radius setting. Was anyone able to make the navigation in a 2011 'POIs along route' work for anything other than local, and for anything at all when on on interstate? I guess I could program multiple destinations along the route and search for POIs near destination, but that isn't how it should work. Bottom line is my basic scenario- I want to drive for another hour - what are the restaurants or hotels 50 - 70 miles from where I am now? I guess I am going to be packing my Tom-Tom to get that feature.
I have a 2012, and I think the 2011 Nav is different. But have you tried the voice command "find nearby" -- i.e. "find nearby hotels," "find nearby coffee," "find nearby gas stations."
I tried the above voice commands on my home from work yesterday and received the error message that POI along the route will only work while using route guidance, since I did not have a destination route in progress. I tried the Nearby and like you I chose Gas and was given three nearby stations to choose from. I chose one of the stations and the location was displayed on the screen. The Go To button was active at the bottom if I wanted directions to the station. The only time that I have seen a multi-page list that you are wanting to see, and I listed this above but you evidently did not read or did not respond, is when I was stopped at a stop light and selected Show on Map > POI > Local POI. Then a multi-page list popped up with the POI that I had selected, Gas, Restaurant, and Hotel.
I've found my nuvi complements Toyota's unit. They are about equally capable (or retarded). Toyota's doesn't have TD Bank in the POI. Garmin can't find a TD Bank in Secaucus, N. Bergen(?), or Hoboken to save its chips. Neither POI database is complete or accurate.