When I turn on my Prius to Ready mode, it says something out loud in Japanese. I might have to record it sometime and post it here. But does anyone know what that could be? Or better, how to turn it off?
I'd pay extra for that. I think it gives your Prius "personality". A little connection to it's origin. I think I would purposely NOT get it fixed. I have a Garmin Nuvi GPS that occasionally, seemingly randomly defaults from the language I choose...back to "Afrikaans"...... While some would consider this a defect, I love it. So occasionally, I'll head out somewhere and it will tell me to "Dri Rex"...and then rattle off a few sentences that I absolutely can't understand. I have no inclination to get this wonderful random and spontaneous act of rebellion repaired or replaced. The fault is mine for not understanding Afrikaans. I mean, I buy a piece of technology that gives me turn by turn instructions on how to get to the nearest Teriyaki restaurant....and actually has a menu option called "Where Am I?".... The occasional lapses into Afrikaans, I take as a wake up call. Sort of a reality "Gotcha". The first time it happened I thought I may of been having a stroke. So personally? If nothing else is being affected? I'd embrace your Japanese Speaking Prius. I think it's great.
I don't know how Afrikaans pronunciation varies from Dutch, but having watched/listened to a good amount of Dutch TV I could understand why you'd be OK with it. Dutch is like a relaxed, happy German.
Since Afrikaans is my mother tongue I never understood other nationals' fussing about this language. Until I started learning French, and then it all came together. I know a little Dutch and German and when I got to understand a little of the French language I suddenly realized why Afrikaans is such a beautiful language. Afrikaans is a mixture of Dutch, French and German with a dash of local spice mixed in Africa. A truly ("schitterende taal" Dutch, "langue magnifique" French, "herrliche Sprache" German, "manjifieke taal" Afrikaans) magnificent language for poetry and song with literature that is so descriptive that you can smell the earth and rain of Africa when you read about it.
LOL!!! But yes it has voice command, gps and bluetooth. Although the GPS doesn't work, I assume it was disabled before it left Japan, because the screen just goes black with white lines down it when I press any GPS related button. It's strange that the voice doesn't happen every time I start the car. So far I think it's done it three times. I'll try and record it next time it happens. Perhaps she's saying "Welcome back. You are heavier than when you last sat in here. Weight increase reduces your mpg."
This is to remind you to put the road charge card into the slot - you have to pay road toll on many of the Japanese highway. The road charge card is just like the using of a credit card, you put the card in and the transport department will charge your account.
…as long as it isn't Banzai! or Tora! Tora! Tora! I wouldn't worry about it too much! (…sorry, I just coudn't resist! )