I had a 1994 Subaru Impreza (FWD) with 111 hp. - base model, no toys. I took excellent care of the car and sold it privately for $3K (it had only 65K miles). I did not need a new car, the Impreza will likely go on for another 120K miles. I took good care of it and drove responsibly and was able to get 28 MPG consistently in the city and up to 40 MPG on long highway hauls. I wanted a car with better rear leg room and the flexiblity of a hatchback and lower emissions. I was shocked to read that my husband's Saab that gets worse mileage was actually cleaner than my Subaru. The safety rating on the Prius is much better than the Subaru (but those figures weren't in when I made my decision). My husband also has a hatchback - an '01 Saab 93. The Prius is a huge step up for me. It has lots of great creature comforts and loads more room. I don't drive enough to make the gas savings part of the equation. The other car I considered when buying was a mini cooper. Just 'cause they're so cute.
Not to cause any civil unrest here....but I am getting my prius for a commuter car and keeping my SUV Every one seems to love to bash the SUV owners today, but no one talks about why we drive them. I have three children in school, I have a large boat on a trailer that we use on the weekends in the summer. The 2001 Dodge Durango R/T I have is perfect for taking all the kids, the dog, a few of their friends, a picnic basket and pulling the boat to the lake to spend the day. I don't have a cabin, I don't own a resort, so my boat I take home with me to the garage every night. You can't get a car to pull a big boat up a slimy moss covered landing or pull a trailer out of a muck bottom lake, but a 4wd or AWD SUV will. I don't like driving my SUV to work everyday and I look forward to when I have a Prius to do that job since with the road construction that will take a few more years here, my 10 mile commute takes about 40 minutes. I also have a 1990 Kawasaki ZX10 motorcycle, (sometimes reffered to as a crotch rocket), a 1992 Geo Metro that gets great mileage (45+ even in winter) but I was in a 3mph accident with that and did over $2000 in damage and didn't even scratch the other cars bumper that I slid under. Needless to say, I see the Geo Metro as a recycle car, its light enough that if I ever get in another accident with it and survive, whats left will go in the recycle bin at the end of my driveway. The Prius for me is a safe, mid size car with room for the kids, that gets good economy and has enough things inside to keep me interested. I like the idea of the engine not running all the time burning gas especially when I am not moving and I really like the fact that it has a 5 star crash rating the same as my SUV. I hope that they will contine to improve on the hybrids and maybe someday I will be able to replace my SUV with a more efficient hybrid SUV. So far the hybrid SUV's I have seen only have about 3000 pounds for tow capability so I will keep my Durango for now. Oh, almost forgot, there is the 29 foot Pace Arrow Motorhome with the 454 and 4 barrel carb.....LOL, don't even ask about mileage in that !!
Sold my pride and joy; '91 Benz 300E, black on black, all perfect, facory stock. Had it for 9 years. Times change. My wife and I agree; the '04 Prius is the coolest car we ever owned. Bob
When my Prius finally comes in (ordered Nov. 10th) I will be selling my 1994 Mustang Indy 500 Pace car. I have no other cars. Hope it comes in soon. The mustang averages about 17 MPG. Can't wait for my Prius.
Trading in my: Year: 2000 Make: Peugeot Model: 206 XT Tranny: 5 speed manual gearbox Engine: 1.9 litre diesel 4WD/2WD: 2WD (front) Colour: Black If you feel like it: Did you buy a Prius when you weren't in the market for a car? No, my current car needs to go, it's getting a tad old with over 188000 kms on the odo. Is it an additional car? It will be our main car, our second car being my GF's Suzuki Swift 1.3 GS (1991) Did you trade an SUV? Nope Is it your first car? Nope Is it your only car? Nope, see answer above What else do you drive/ ride? See answer above
I drove a 1989 Civic wagon. For those inclined to disparrage the Civic, it was the best car on the road. Comfortable, economical, nimble, and totally reliable. It's boxy shape gave it more cargo space than the Prius, at about the same length and width, and with the same fold-down rear seats. But I wanted air bags and ABS brakes. I'd have traded it in a couple of years ago, but I didn't want to give up the convenience of the station wagon body style, which is no longer available in the Civic. So when I read a review of the '04 Prius I knew that's what I wanted: almost a station wagon, with all the latest safety features, and as green as Kermit the Frog. I sold my Civic at my asking price without even putting an ad in the paper. The Prius is my only vehicle, though I would dearly love to have a tzero as my summer car if they ever actually offer them for sale.
I am buying a Prius as an "extra" car (ordered 3/04 and waiting). My wife loves her 1980 Toyota Corona and the "rubber bumpers" even though the radio and AC don't work. My concern is how much longer it will last, so I decided to be pro-active and not have to get what Corrolla or Camry was on the lot. Also the trade-in on the Corona is probably not worth the trouble. She will get the 2000 Camry with a radio and AC that work. Shelby county TN failed the EPA Ozone standards this year. While Memphis has had mandatory testing for years the rest of the county has not had the requirement. Todays paper had a report that the testing may become mandatory for the county in the next year. That may well spell the end of the Corona!
I've had lots of cars in my day. (And i'm only 28) early on I had econoboxes in high school and college, until my dad forced me to trade my civic with him and I got his Jeep Cherokee. He had an 80 mile commute and had no use for an SUV. Neither did I. I was interning in college and I had a 15 mile commute. Even though gas prices were low, I hated it, and swore off SUV's forever. I got a New Beetle when I graduated College, and realized I looked ridiculous in it. So I sold that (for more than I paid for it), and got a 1989 Porsche 944 Turbo S. LOVED the car, hated the repairs. If i didn't drive like a moron, i could get 25 mpg. But I still had the ABILITY to drive like a moron. Then i got a 2000 VW GTI VR6, and my new wife got a 2000 Passat V6. Stupid us. I got rid of the GTI for the Prius. Didn't really need a new car. But I wanted it. Wife doesn't like it. She likes her manual tranny, and doesn't like the car turning off at stoplights. To each their own. I love the Prius!
-Year, make, model, trans/ engine, 4WD/ 2WD, etc. 2000 Toyota Sienna (mini van), auto 6-cyl -Did you buy a Prius when you weren't in the market for a car? Kind of. I was thinking of downsizing and thinking of a Prius and well, I was thought why not combine two great thoughts into one and downsize *to* a Prius! -Is it an additional car? Nope. I got mine, my wife has hers. -Did you trade an SUV? Nope. -Is it your first car? Nope. Previous cars: 2000 Sienna, 94 Integra, 86 Subaru 4wd turbo 3-door, 80 Subaru DL (40 MPG, 1.4 liter!), 73 Volvo 164. Also Kawasaki EX500 and KLR250 (60 MPG!). -Is it your only car? For me, yes. My wife has her Accord. -What else do you drive/ ride? Trek 950 bike with Burley buggy. I use the bike for local errands and fun.
Vehicles (yes plural) traded: Lemon 2003 Saturn VUE AWD VTi, 2000 Daewoo Lanos SX (I actually liked this car and miss it.), and a 1984 Eurospec Mercedes 240D 5 speed manual. (I liked this one alot also.) The latter two cars were given up to cover some of the negative equity on the Saturn. Did you buy a Prius when you weren't in the market for a car? Yes. The Saturn was nearing the end of its warranty, and was beginning to show signs of a seventh serious mechanical problem. Is it an additional car? It's my commuter, and daily driver. Did you trade an SUV? Yes, the Saturn VUE is a "compact" SUV. Is it your first car? No Is it your only car? No. What else do you drive/ ride? I have a 1999 Dodge Ram 2500 Club cab with the Cummins Turbodiesel engine. I recently purchased an 83 Yamaha Virago 920, and just added an 84 Honda Goldwing Aspencade, which I'll be bringing home next week, to the stable. I haven't yet decided on the future of the Virago.[/b]
I traded in my hand-me-down 1993 Volvo 850 with 150,000 miles and a host of problems for my Package 9 silver Prius. I obsessed about the low price the dealer offered for the trade-in, but my husband told me to either walk away from the overloaded Prius they offered (I'd originally "ordered" package 7) or grin and bear it. I took the Prius - b/c my Volvo needed $1500 worth of work ASAP - and I haven't looked back. Now, I wish I could figure out how to use all the extras - like the Navigation system (I can use it, but not well).
Vehicles traded: 2003 Saturn VUE AWD CVT transmission Did you buy a Prius when you weren't in the market for a car? Yes. The Saturn was not giving me any technical problems. However, my commute pattern changed from 7500 miles per year when I bought the Saturn to double that six months later Is it an additional car? It's my car. My wife drives her 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser. Did you trade an SUV? Yes, the Saturn VUE. Is it your first car? No, it's my umpteenth since 1969 Is it your only car? No. What else do you drive/ ride? No other cars in the family. Though our 2 1/2 year old daughter has a tricycle.
Was I in the market? - Yes. Wanted a Prius the day I saw it unveiled. What did I trade? - Sold my 2001 Echo to my son and we finally got rid of the 1997 Neon we got for his commute to college. Neon was a real money pit and I will never buy Chrysler again. Is it our only car? - No. My wife has a 2003 Corolla LE - very nice, rock solid car. Is it a first car? - No. I've had LOTS since my first - a 1969 Dodge Dart.
When I get my Prius, I will be selling my 2002 Lexus IS300 Sportcross. It will be my primary commute car, our other car is a 2001 Lexus RX300 which my wife drives. I'm buying the Prius for the emissions, gas mileage and because it's perfect for a technogeek like me.
Everyone, wow, keep these posts coming. I don't know why, but I find them fascinating. I think it's really insightful into who Prius buyers are. They are a very diverse bunch, who agree on one thing: THIS is what a car is supposed to be like. I'm surprised to realize that the overall tone of attitude is less one of "Aren't I green and better than the rest of you gas-guzzlers" and more one of "Of course this is how a car should be. I would drive this even if nobody saw me doing it!" It's less smug and more unpretentious. However, when my Prius arrives, I will have trouble resisting the smug feeling I felt the first time I test drove one at the dealership. Nate
Vehicles traded: 1997 Honda Civic hatchback. Did you buy a Prius when you weren't in the market for a car? Yes and no. I joined the waiting list about 6 months earlier than I had planned to buy a car. That's a good thing because my wait is nearing 7 months. Is it an additional car? No. Did you trade an SUV? No. I get 40 mpg in my Civic and refuse to do worse, but wanted a slightly larger car with more toys (the Civic is bare bones... Fred Flintstone-style). Is it your first car? No. I had a 1984 Subaru hatchback, then a 1988 Subaru wagon. Is it your only car? Yes. What else do you drive/ ride? A bike.
We first saw the Prius at the S.F Auto Show in November. It was to be our car of the future. I'm still kicking myself for not ordering it then. I ordered 1-5-04 and am still waiting. My 2001 F150 is reserved for hauling and towing. The 81 Mercedes 300D was purchased in 83 and has been bulletproof until the last couple of years. It served it's purpose well but the master cylinder started bypassing a couple of months ago. It's at least $350 for a new one for a car that's not even in the blue book anymore (worth about $400 in excellent condition). Couldn't sell it. Had a hell of a time even donating it, but finally was successful. "Just get it out of my driveway" was all I wanted. Now I'm down to the F150 and the gas is killin' me, but the last time I filled up the diesel it was $2.50 a gallon. Remember when diesel was 1/2 the price of unleaded?? Those days are long gone. I wait patiently (130 days) for my Silver #6 whilst twiddling my thumbs. :guns:
Vehicles sold: 1999 Volvo S70 GLT, red, which I loved...but not loving the $36 premium fillup that only lasted five days. Took a serious hit on the sale - guess no one wants that kind of mileage. Did you buy a Prius when you weren't in the market for a car? Yes. Even though the fuel prices were killing me, I'd bought the Volvo outright a year ago and miss not having a payment. My fiance and I are trying to figure out when I decided I needed a new car (Prius only, didn't consider anything else), but best we've been able to determine, I went from zero to NEED PRIUS NOW!!! in about four and a half seconds. Is it an additional car? Sorta. The fiance bought a 2004 Nissan Altima about a week before Hedwig arrived. His Ford Escort was gasping its last breaths. Did you trade an SUV? Nope. However, and I am sure I will go to gas-guzzler hell for saying it, I would really love one of those big unnecessary Land Rovers. I'll never actually buy one, but those are really nice looking. Is it your first car? Ummm...fourth, I think. The Volvo, a 2000 Saturn SC2 lease, and a 1991 Saturn SC I inherited/bought from my mom. This is my first new owned car - I've done used owned and new leased, but this is a milestone. Is it your only car? We have one gas car, one gas/electric car, and one electric lawnmower. We run the gamut. What else do you drive/ ride? Just the Altima. And a stationary bike. For the record, I loved my Volvo and I miss her. But this is a killer little vehicle.
- Year, make, model, trans/ engine, 4WD/ 2WD, etc. Traded in a 1991 Honda Accord EX 5-speed Manual. -Did you buy a Prius when you weren't in the market for a car? Kind of. The Honda had over 170K miles and was needing a little more maintenance. My commute is now 40 miles each way so I was starting to get concerned with gas mileage. My wife read about the Prius and although we had owned our cars outright for over 6 years, and I tend to fixate on paying for new toys when they are not an absolute necessity, she insisted that I buy the Prius for myself (g*d I love her!) We looked all over the Baltimore / DC region in late November and was told that it would easily be a 4 to 6 month wait for the car. On a lark I called a dealership in West Virginia who said, "these new Priuses don't sell that well up here, we sell a lot of trucks though!" I told him that I wanted a Prius and he siad that he had one coming in in 2 weeks and that it was mine at sticker if I wanted it. Although he was happy with a verbal agreement, we immediately drove to Martinsburg that night with a check to hold the car. In came in the second week in December. I can't believe how lucky I was. Right after we bought ours, the dealer started advertizing in the Washington DC papers (about 80 miles away) and now he has the same backlog as everyone else. -Is it an additional car? Nope. It is now my primary car. -Did you trade an SUV? Nope. -Is it your first car? Nope. Previous cars: 1986 Honda Accord LXi (bought the day I graduated from college and received my commission in the Air Force. It gave it's life for me in an accident in Wyoming and I bought a used Toyota Cressida. It lasted a few years and was traded in for a brand new 1990 Mazda Miata (one of the first sold in Denver, Co) Got married, had a kid, no room for the car seat so traded it for a 1993 Mercury Villager minivan for the wife and I got her Accord that I eventually traded for the Prius. My wife has moved on from her Mercury Villager to a 1995 Honda Odyssey and she is now in love with my Prius and can't wait for the Sienna hybrid in 2006! -Is it your only car? For me, yes. My wife has her Odyssey but can't wait for the Sienna hybrid to come out in 2006.
Ahh, you should've said something to me. I would have had a small army fighting each other to haul it off for you. :mrgreen: