OK, so in addition to my 2 Prii I now have a new Camry Hybrid with the above radio So it turns out that Toyota supports the BLUETOOTH aspect of the iphone 4s but not the SMS message transfer. According to my dealer only a few androids are supported Does anyone have any information on the future ability to support SMS?
I think I saw a thread from someone who was beta testing iOS6 and got SMS to work. ETA here it is: iOS 6 and Toyota Entune | PriusChat
iOS 6, which is in beta and won't be publicly available until fall, support Bluetooth MAP. The protocol that provides better hands-free operations between a mobile device and the vehicle (such as text messaging). iOS 6 is in beta testing now, so we'll get better information regarding this feature in the next coming months.
All the beta testers keep getting killed in head on collisions texting while driving so development is slow. They keep getting "I think I found a bug and it's..." and then nothing txt messages.
If the car is moving, the text is blank, you get a new message notification and a play button, so it will read you the text. When you stop moving, the text appears and you can reply with 30 built in responses (which you can change) It simply pops-up and says new message. Same thing your phone does.
Why using your phone while driving is illegal in our state. A law I agree with. If stopped, why would someone use the slow clumsy car nav screen to view or reply to texts. Should definitely get a Darwin Award.