First off I have to say thanks to all the members here for the copious amounts of good information here. It definitely gave me a good foot to start on in my ownership of my Prius and was the most used resource for answering questions in the run up to purchasing my car. Since purchase on 5/18 I have installed my ScanGaugeII(previously in a 96 ford ranger) and I put Ecopia 422 tires on at Costco getting rid of my Les Schwab tires to a buddy for $50 each. I'm really REALLY enjoying driving this car and learning how to coax better MPG out of it.
I made a new commute milage record the day before yesterday with a trip average of 59.2 mpg on my ScanGauge. It's costing me less than $3. to make my 40 mile round trip work commute. Ive driven my old commute vehicle less than 50 feet since I got the Prius.