Edmunds Insideline will be doing a long-term test of the Prius C. Their long-term test is usually 12 months long. I will be eagerly awaiting each post because they are usually informative. Can't wait! :cheer2: 2012 Toyota Prius C Long-Term Test
It'll be interesting to see what their average FE is for the duration they keep it. Edmunds drivers are not known to be particularly good at driving for FE in their long term tests. I suspect they don't care and aren't trying for FE. Also, being in So Cal means they deal w/horrific traffic. Hope they also don't report grossly overinflated prices for various services and repairs like they did for the Gen 2.
Heh, nicely done Dianne As of 618 miles, they averaged 48mpg. A little early to tell what the year will bring, but there's that. I think as long as they can average 50+, which should be easy to do, people will be impressed enough. Would be nice if they hyper-miled to show what the car can really do, but then again perhaps they want to drive it like "real" drivers would.
I am so excited!!!!!!!! However, reading some of the comments annoys me. The Prius C is a car for those who want to save fuel, not race, rumble, or annoy little old ladies. Why can't people understand that? Goodness me!
Sometimes I just have to ignore comments on any hybrid/PHEV/EV articles. There are just so much misinformation floating around along w/a bunch of anti-Prius, anti-hybrid idiots and also misinformed diesel fanboys thrown in there too. Then, you have the people who like to compare their or EPA highway numbers only while ignoring city and combined mileage... References to the CNW junk "science" (not usually by name though...) that still refuses to die also frequently come up. I'd waste too much time getting mad, responding, trying to set people straight, etc. I sometimes get sucked in, but I usually have higher priority things to do.
Yep, http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...-edmunds-long-term-test-wrap-up-04-prius.html, hence my comments.
2012 Toyota Prius C: You Have Chosen...Wisely Interesting observation of the differences between the Prius Three-Four models.