I picked up my Prius C Two yesterday and I can't seem to figure out if the headunit has a backlight in it or how to turn it on if it does. It makes it really hard to see the display at night ( and even during the day ). It looks like there are leds behind the LCD in the head unit, from the photos here: LED swap! color change green to blue (in progress) | PriusChat Is there some trick to turning them on or should I call up the dealer?
umm.. are you saying your headunit isn't illuminating at night.. at all? yes... the radio has leds for backlighting.. and they most definitely provide lighting so you can see the buttons at night.. can you tell me in more detail what's going on? maybe interior photos when you have the headlights on.
That was my first thought as well. It seemed to change the HUD but not the head unit display. The buttons on the head unit got brighter/dimmed but not the display. I'll see about getting some pictures after work.
well.. kinda silly... but the display doesn't turn on.. unless the radio is actually on.. if the buttons on the headunit are lighting up... then by all means.. the illumination circuit to the radio is obviously there.. and working.
I have it set up to turn on BTA from my phone as soon as the car is on and music does play. So def. not that.
take it back to the dealer, you most likely have a defective head unit. thanks to 3yr 36k mile warranty its no hassle for you minus taking a trip over.
Just turned it on without much other light. Apparently the back light IS on, it's just really really dim. I guess I'll take it back to the deal and see what they have to say. Thanks!