So here's the deal... I'm taking delivery of my brand spankin new 06 Prius on Monday, the 2nd. However, that night, I need to drive from the Philadelphia area to New London, CT for the day. It's roughly 200 miles each way... which means I'd be putting 400-some odd miles on a brand new car in ~36-48 hours... If I do this, will it hurt my Prius? Anything I should keep in mind? OR... is this a really dumb idea and should I just live without her for another day and take the train... I do not know if I can leave her after I only got her the same day...
No problem! The manual just says to drive it gently and avoid high speeds during the first 600 miles, and to avoid full-throttle acceleration, racing the engine, and hard stops during the first 200 miles. Have fun!
In your case, I would avoid hard stops for 600 miles. During your trip the brakes will get little use and won't have the setting in of "normal" use until you get 200 miles of city driving.
no problem at all. My only concern would be being sure I got out the dealership's doors in time for the trip...closing a sale seems to typically take far longer than it should.
One other thing. If you have someone you can take along on your trip do it. You'll certainly want to drive a lot, but you'll also want to 'play' with all the various options, esp. if you have BT and NAV. Having someone else drive while you read the manuals and get things programmed to your liking and upload stuff from your phone and test voice commands will be a lot of fun for both of ya.