Would this be compatible out of the box with our Prius or would it need an adapter? It sure seems like it would extend the life of engine oil. Engine Oil Bypass Kit - $93.60 : KaleCoAuto.com, Your home for the rare, unusual, and hard to find auto parts.
"Modern synthetic oil is very expensive - so why run the risk of getting it dirty by running it through your motor block? KaleCoAuto bypass kit comes with everything you need to run the oil around your motor block where it will do more good. Oil runs cooler, and as a result, there may be ..." What the hell? You want the oil in the "motor block" where it lubs the things that need lubing.
And you want the oil to go through the filter. The filter system has a high pressure bypass already. Not sure how this bypass system you are looking at works on a Prius.
My thoughts exactly. There's no mention of an oil cooler, oil filter adapter, etc. Besides, the ICE on the Prius is already a detuned gasoline engine (Atkinson cycle), which isn't running all the time, and is assisted by an electric motor. Toyota has already approved an extended oil change interval of 10,000 miles using 0w-20 weight synthetic oil, so how much longer one would want to extend this is beyond me.
The filter itself has NO bypass. It's a cartridge filter. The bypass is built into the filter system located at the top of the the filter cartridge housing mount.
Sorry, I should have said filter system. Yes, I know the filter does not have a bypass, thanks for the correction.
KaleCoAuto.com is a website of fictional car parts & accessories. In there you'll find things like a string of tire beads, 710 caps, seasonal tire air, car to tank conversion kit, salad shooter spinning rims, etc. I was aiming for a laugh -- I didn't think anyone would take this seriously!
People on this forum rely on the information of others with a certain amount of trust and confidence. You got your laugh, enjoy it. But you may have lost some of the confidence and trust of others here with your prank. Good luck!
I bought a bucket of steam from that company, was pretty good, would recommend it. I also got a great deal on 5 cases of dehydrated water. AlanInAustin -- good one.
Sadly we deal in a great many 'scam' and 'bunk' that is not in jest. From K&N filters and 'aero' body kits that are less aerodynamic than the stock body, to real wastes of money like hydrogen generators and 12 volt electric turbrochargers. It is hard to put a lower limit on what folks will believe. My favorite fake store:VillainSource -- formerly VillainSupply