I looked and looked for a good pic of the Thule Ascent 1600 on a Prius before I purchased this last night, but I couldn't find anything. I think it's a great fit. The antenna has about 1/2 inch clearance. It weighs about 37 lbs, so I assume I can put up to or about 70-80 lbs inside. So, for anyone else that is interested, here ya go!
Nice. We've had a 1600 for a few years. I'll be mounting it onto our new Prius v this weekend for our first road trip.
Well nice photo! I had posted a similar pic in 2007 of the Thule Cascade XT1500 on Saris Racks. It is good to know how to translate old roof top models to the new equivalents. This type of box holds a heckuva lot of stuff at the expense of MPG hit.
thanks for the picture........but I REALLY like your side moldings. They have a little chrome stip in them, right? Can you answer me this too....Does the chrome get dented or marked when someones door hits it? I'm really thinking of putting these on my GIIIPri b/c of the little bit of chrome.......but if they mark up, then, I'll just go with the plain painted narrow ones. PS: where did you get them? Thanks bob
I use mine primarily for road trips. Dog in the way back, kids in the back seat, luggage etc in the box. Also great for skis, snowboard, wet gear, etc.