Have you ever wanted to pull someone's attention to your post or to a thread, but didn't know how to get them to look at it? With a new PriusChat tagging feature, it's actually quite simple. All you have to do is type "@" and then the username that you want to include in your post. The user that you tag will receive a notification Alert and come check out why you tagged them. So, for an example, let's say I want moderator efusco (Evan) to know about this thread. All I have to do is type "@"efusco" (without the "s) and that will magically turn into a hyperlink to Evan's member card and alert him that he's been tagged. Let's try it: Hey efusco - come check out this thread. You'll also notice that when you start typing a name, usernames & their avatars will start to pop-up below. That way if you can't remember how TonyPSchaefer spells his last name, you can narrow things down a bit. I think this will be a great feature for the community to use, and I look forward to your feedback on it.
Danny. This is going to be the scorn of Priuschat. Tideland Prius is going to abuse this feature when constantly tagging efusco and Paradox. I just hope HTMLSpinnr doesn't get ahold of this.
HTMLSpinnr, I will cross the border and then I'll meet up with Danny, efusco and Paradox for coffee. Who the heck is TonyPSchaefer?
No Stev0, but me, efusco, HTMLSpinnr and Tideland Prius can make sure he can't get on the site if you'd like... Just give the word.