I mentioned I was getting a package 8 minus the Nav in Hawaii. I checked again and Servco (main distributor) does not bring in any vehicles with it, on the Toyota side or the Lexus side. Also Infiniti and BMW bring in very few. Apparently the reason is Oahu is pretty small area and the $2000 average price of a Nav system makes it not very popular. The BMW dealer told me when they have vehicles with Nav, customers generally don't want it and don't want to pay for it so they tend to discount it. The Nav system works fine here BTW.
:mellow: In theory, my car is in Florida, soon to be headed to GA, and then I'll pick it up and drive it to TN. We'll see, but I'm hopeful now that it really exists. Blue, Pkg 3. Should be in my carport 6-8 days from now. susan
I'm getting a black Prius, but I'm also vying for the bisque interior (leather). If I were getting Seaside I'd also get bisque. The colors look good together (we test drove a Seaside/ivory). Like I mentioned in a previous thread today, since I'm paying over 25K for a brand spanking new car, I will make no compromises on ANYthing: package, exterior color, interior color. Even if it means passing up on several Black/grays in the process. I'll be patient and wait it out. In the end, I'll have the exact car I want, and I'm excited about that.
I've been waiting for about 4 months, sometimes I wonder, with these lower gas prices maybe I should think about a Honda S2000, Nissan 350Z, or Mitsu MR. May be, the goodtimes will come back and there isn't any waiting for these 2006 models.
I am getting a base Prius. NO package (sorry, all I could afford). I was told it would probably be in silver, since that's what they usually come in the base model
Barcelona Red 06 to be available about 2nd week in January Package #8 with Bisque leather This is big change for me as I've driven expensive, big cars for a while. Previous car (trade in more than cost of new car) is Cadillac SRX (2005) and before that drove BMW X5. I'm getting excited to drive a car which isn't going to go through so much gas but a little afraid I've been quite spoiled. Now it's time to be practical and enjoy bopping around in my little Prius.
N = 62 cars blue = 14 red = 13 classic silver = 12 black = 7 driftwood = 5 silver pine = 5 white = 2 magnetic gray = 1 not spec = 3 # 7 = 17 # 8 = 16 # 6 = 7 # 4 = 6 # 3 = 6 # 5 = 5 # 2 = 1 base = 1 not spec = 3
I'm waiting for magnetic gray. I know that it's not supposed to be available until May, but I think there's one driving around this area already. I saw it on my way to work today, and it was this beautiful kind of soft dark gray color that I've never seen on a Prius, and it had the dealer sticker in the back window.
'06 Silver / Black / or Grey , Combo "B" Requirements were for grey interior, side air bags. Alarm system and leather to be added at the port.
You know I had to wonder about this, my parents (who own a 05' white Prius) swear they saw a magnetic grey in the pensacola area around the middle of december and assumed it was an 06' (clear tailights) I thought they were crazy (they may still be) but glad to hear another rumor about magnetic grey being seen. I would take that color in a heartbeat but I dont want to wait for it so Ill keep trying for the current silver.
Cleveland, Ohio: Toyota of Bedford. 2006 Seaside Pearl, package #8. Ordered back in September. Last I checked, I was #6 on the list around December 21st. Perhaps the Harry & David chocolate tower gift basket sent to the inventory manager and my sales associate will bump me up a little
They could have mistaken the 04/05 Tideland Pearl for late 06's Magnetic Gray. On websites, Tideland has more a greenish tint to it, but in real life from what I've seen out on the road, it's really more of a mid-dark gray, not green at all. I wish they hadn't gotten rid of it for the 2006MY. I think Magnetic Gray will be even darker than Tideland and even more gorgeous. If my black Prius weren't going to be here in the month of January, I'd hold out an extra few months for MG.
Along the color topic - I saw what I initially thought to be a Seaside Pearl 04/05 MY the other day, however, it was very light blue. Perhaps it was a custom paint?
New owners, take the Prius pickup checklist with you: http://www.vfaq.net/docs/pickup_checklist.html Steel yourselves to spend 20 minutes sitting in your new car on the dealer's lot reading the "Before You Drive" section of the owner's manual before you drive away.
I ordered mine Oct 22nd. It arrived Dec 19. I'll pick it up early Jan 2nd. I already ordered my Wet Okole seat covers and am planning a Sigma order soon. 2006 Silver Pine Mica, Gray Interior, Package #6, with all weather floor mats.
I ordered a Seaside Pearl #1 in mid-November. So far, no date yet. Seattle area. I wonder if package #1 will take longer? Seems most folks want more stuff loaded on the car.
I agree and it is still perhaps a mistaken sighting. If all other cosiderations aside I would consider waiting for the magnetic grey as well, but as with you my delivery a few months earlier ill sway me to settle for an alternate preference. This will make my third car in a row where I tried to get silver/grey and will probably fail again. Silver Prelude in 98' -> ended up with red Silver Jeep in 03' -> ended up with black Silver/magnetic Prius 06' -> we will have to see :huh:
Well, it seems that Dealer #1 was unable to find anyone who wanted to buy 'my' Prius before the end of December, so now they are holding it for me. B) I will pick it up 1/9/6. It is Package #6, Seaside Pearl, grey interior for MSRP - $500 (difference of package #5 which I really wanted and package #6 which they could get). Location = Salt Lake City, UT. BTW - when I called USAA and asked them to match the Capital One - Costco financing they did but with an additional bonus - USAA deal includes gap insurance.
I actually turned down my third color choice last week, now the dealer is saying January something. I'm waiting for the next to top package, everything but the leather. B)
I dont know my exact number on the list but based on my call last week and time frame I dont think I am too far down the list... just checked my dealers webpage and see they have their next allocation listed (as they seem to do even if they are already sold) looks like they got 5 on the way no pkg listed but Pine, Red, Silver, White and Black good selection of colors and 5 is more than the three they told me they expected to be allocated. my PAS is getting a bit worse at the moment... i will just have to keep waiting, and thanks for the thread Jack it is keeping me from loosing my battle with PAS edit: Just noticed one of the Prii on its way in is exactly what I ordered http://www.tanskysawmilltoyota.com/New-Inv...ntoryId=8536406 Alas no call so probably not mine