What?! Prius makes pkg #8 cars minus the nav? And why wouldn't a particular dealer want to sell cars with nav?
Thought my location was with my name. I'm in Hawaii, basically one dealer and I don't think we get good satellite coverage, yet gps systems work on boats etc. Anyway they don't bring in nav on any Toyota not just the Prius. Package 8 is about $4840 I think with leather, no nav. I don't think I'd use it much anyway on one island.
I think all those freightors and airplanes headed to and from Hawaii use GPS just fine. The car must not be an official package 8, probably a lower package with added leather.
GPS works fine in Hawaii. I use it all the time. I guess the dealer thinks we can't get lost on an island. Yet, it happens!
Got the call today that my 2006 should be in NY in early Jan, and in my hands not long after that. I'm getting a driftwood pearl package 5 (HI). In September, I originally ordered a 2005 package 4 (AM) Tideland Pearl, but didn't really want it to come in once I found out about the tax rebate. Can't wait to try my hand at "pulse and glide..." Spidey
Good question. I looked up the Hawaii packages. #8 (NW, that's how they list it) has all the same options as listed on Toyota.com except the Nav system Upgrade price $6890. I'll have to ask the dealer why they choose to drop the Nav.
Jack 06 Thanks for the stats, interesting numbers. Keep up the good work! Anyone have info on the stats for regional allocations?
I put down a $1000 deposit in September for a Classic Silver Metallic Package #4. So far, the dealer keeps getting either Silver #3's, or Package #4's in the wrong color. I don't know whether to just step down to the Package #3, or wait for the #4 I really want. His latest inventory check, which shows his deliveries up until 01/16/06, show plenty of White or Black #4's, but still no Silver! I thought Silver was the most plentiful color?? :angry: Trying to be patient in South Florida....
I ordered a 2006 Seaside Pearl in September 9, but don't have a delivery date yet. I can't get a lot of info from the dealer. What I know about the 2006 packages I've learned on line. I'd like a package 6, but dealership told me they'll only get 5 & 7. One guy says I get my choice; other says I'll have to take what comes in. They're also somewhat vague about when I can expect a delivery. I was #9 on the list in November. They offered a #5 White in December. How long is it taking you all from the time you're notified that its on its way until the time it is to arrive? Also -- all you other Seaside Pearls -- I'm debating the bisque vs. gray interior. What are you ordering? I'm in Illinois (near St. Louis, Mo.)
2006, #4, MSRP. 1st choice = Seaside Pearl. 2nd = Millennium Silver. Placed order on 12/26/05. Unofficial delivery date is ~45 days, but it could be as long as 3 months. I didn't get a very good trade-in on my 2002 Jetta so I put it on Autotrader that very afternoon. Already have an interested buyer at 2K over the dealers trade-in offer. I'm hoping this deal will come through. Of course, that will leave me without a reliable vehicle (I have a 1967 VW Bug that drivable) for weeks/months. I may have to go back to the dealer and say that I can be flexible on the color...
Hello, I'm new here. Don't own a prius but have been seriously talking to a local dealer about an 06 with a 4 package. I live in South Dakota, was just reading a thread here about the prius having some trouble in snow/mud/slippery conditions. Told the dealer I was trying to decide between a prius and SE camry. I also live in the country, 20 miles from nearest town, 50 miles from a town of any size. Have 2.5 miles of gravel from my house to the highway. Is the prius suited to my type of conditions? Going anywhere usually puts about 100 miles round trip, so do add up the miles in a year. Any helpful advice or comments?
Curious, the local dealer has 2 06s, with #4. MSRP here is....I think...23485. May I ask what the same MSRP there is?
I'm hoping for bisque, which is just enough darker than the former "ivory" to make it practical for me. It's a nice contrast with the blue. But I know that interior color will be the least chooseable factor. I won't turn down gray, which is also OK, to wait for bisque.
Here it's $24,316. However, I was told (and the purchase agreement states) that the price will be the 'MSRP at the time of delivery'. They said it was rare for it to go up much, but that the possibility was there. I made sure that I had the option of backing out of the deal should the price go up by an unacceptable amount.
I was initially going to go with bisque but the salesman suggested that I reconsider. He said that the lighter bisque color really showed up dirt and general wear and tear in a relatively short time. So I went with Gray. I'm thinking of getting seat covers anyway (dogs in the family), so it wasn't that major a choice for me.
Ok, thanks. And that might be the price here, since I didn't write it down when I was there. The salesman said the 06 went up about 200$ from the 05s. He also said they get inquiries from other dealers wanting their Prius allotments since we're pretty skeptical of new-fangled stuff here in middle America. If I get this prius I can be sure none of my friends or relatives would be able to borrow it without instructions.
Up here in the Northwest hybrids are hot. Not as hot as immediately post-Katrina, but still relatively hard to get. It's funny - I have mostly 'green' friends, but many of them still call me crazy for getting a Prius. It seems that they are willing to pay thousands for the Eddie Bauer package on their Expedition but insist that everything related to a hybrid has to make economic sense. <_< Me, I took a test drive in an '05 and it was like I was driving a UFO! I just had to have one. Good luck with your car! Let us all know how things progress.
I thought I wanted the bisque, but then I got to see both interiors side by side, and immediately chose the gray. The dark color of the dashboard looked funny to me when combined with the bisque interior, but the grey blended much better. Also seems better for future dealings with slush and snow (Salt Lake City, UT).