64mpg over 180miles before testing ended. 80mpg over 47.8 miles for my evening commute test. 54mpg over 49miles for my morning commute test.
With assistance from my local America's Tire Company and Yokohama I replaced my AVID Ascends with a new set of Energy Saver A/S tires. The customer service from those two companies is outstanding! I only had to pay for install. Kudos to Austin at America's Tire Company in Woodland and to the customer service rep at Yokohama! This morning I noticed the tires are slightly out of balance and I have to say that the Ascends are a better tire for the lay person. They just feel more secure than the Energy Saver A/S but they are not quite as comfortable and the MPG is not quite as good but very respectable. Depending on the individual I would have a have a hard time swaying someone away from the AVID Ascend unless they just love seeing big numbers. My morning (uphill) commute resulted in 53.1mpg using the same techniques I used on previous days of testing with Mike's ES A/S and my Ascends. The big difference this time is the use of brand new tires vs. broken in tires AND I had a 110lb generator in the hatch plus unbalanced tires! Yesterday using the same techniques but without the generator I saw 51.1mpg. Keep in mind that my Ascends had over 10,000 miles on them and about the same tread depth as my new tires. Remove the generator, re-balance the tires and add a few hundred miles for break-in and I believe I will see that 3+mpg gain I observed when I borrowed Mike's tires. My route tonight will be different than normal but I would anticipate another 80mpg trip like I saw last time. I'll get to test that later in the week.
I hope the tires work out well for you. I'm planning on visiting Costco today to see if I can order myself a set of energy saver tires too. They aren't available online and when I called, they said I could come into the store and order them. We'll see how this works out.
I measured tire and brake pad wear this past weekend at 38,858 miles. I am at 5/32" all the way around on the OEM Goodyear Assurance FuelMax, which are 10/32" when new. If I wait to replace at 2/32", I should be at 60k+ on the original tires. I have a free-flowing highway commute (100 mile round trip per day). On a similar note, the front brake pads were at 9mm, which compares to 10mm when new. If they are replaced at 1mm, mileage on the vehicle would be 340k+.
Costco did not have them and when they called Michelin, they couldn't order them (listed as unavailable or something like that). The Michelin rep that was talking to the Costco Tire guy said I should wait a month and get the Defenders. I'll search out America's Tire.
CarCareONE Card Area Selected S.F. East Bay Select New Area America's Tire Company Select New Store 6450 Dublin Blvd. Dublin, CA 94568 U.S.A. (925) 479-9780 View Map Shopping Cart Protect Your Purchase - Certificates for Repair, Refund or Replacement. (4) Certificates for Repair, Refund or Replacement for Michelin Energy Saver A/S Price $16.50 Extended $66.00 Add to Cart The Certificates above are not yet added to your cart and are not included in the "Out the Door" price below. QtyProduct InformationPriceExtended Michelin Energy Saver A/S (35382) Available on 6.14.12 P195/65R-15 89T BSW A set of 4 tires qualifies for: Michelin Promise Plan(Details) $117.00 $468.00 Remove Environmental Fee (State Required) $1.75 $7.00 Tire Disposal Fee $2.00 $8.00 Valve Stems, Lifetime Rotations FREE Installation & Lifetime Spin Balancing $16.00 $64.00 Subtotal $547.00 CA 8.75% Sales Tax $41.65 Total "Out the Door" Price $588.65 Checkout Without Appointment Checkout With Appointment Continue Shopping for Tires Continue Shopping for Wheels Print this Page Clear Cart Prices shown will be honored for 30 days from 06/12/2012. This is what the internet is showing
OK, Just got off the phone with America's Best. Cost for the tires would be $588. I would get to do a mail in rebate for $70, thus the "total out the door price" would be $518. I won't be taking the replacement certs @ $66. Justin, how did you come to the $494 price (assuming a price match, who's price would I have America's best matching?). Worse comes to worse, I won't sweat the $24 price difference, but if I can save the dough, that would be nice as well. I suspect my "elusive" 70.0 mpg tanks will now be common place......I will have to target 75.0 mpg tanks.
I had and estimate of $494 from Costco but it wasn't written down. The manager at America's Tire in Woodland beat it by $2 and took care of the rebate for me like Costco does. The managers name is Austin in case you need a reference. I declined the certs but got the TPMS rebuild kit. Either way $24 difference isn't bad.
Costco charges $14/tire + $1/tire disposal fee = $15/tire. America's tire is charging $18 so that's a $3/tire * 4= $12 difference. Costco was charging $113/tire which is $4/tire less and therefore $16 less. $12 + $16 = $28. $588 - $28 = $560. $560-$70 = $490. However, it may be difficult for you to pull the price match card since Costco technically does have those tires in-stock. You have a slightly better shot at getting them to come down a bit on install and asking them to "do a bit better" on the tires.
What was I saying about a hypermiler's dream tire? The first picture is the total from my commute uphill to work in Aurburn this morning (temp 60-65F MPG =53mpg). Then downhill to Elk Grove then back uphill to Auburn (90F MPG Avg=63mpg). Then back downhill to Woodland. 60mph on the freeways except for a short stint when I was trapped doing 55 for about 3 miles and another 55mph stint on my backroad route for about 5 miles. Temperature was 97F-99F on the last 47.9 miles which resulted in 80.8mpg. Seriously. For those folks who live in an area with now hills you could achieve some pretty spectacular numbers with these tires. I'm looking forward to Codyroo getting a set!
Oh my goodness is all I can say. These will be my next tire! I still have 20k+ on my current Yokohoma Avids thouguh.. Hurry up, tread, and run out!
just replaced my 4 Avid s33 OEM very worn tires, with the Energy Savers and picked up 2 mpg even with new higher diameter tires. Wow, when they get worn to the same real diameter will likely be a 4 mpg difference. very worthwhile this tank running 66 mpg MID, 64 actual mpg. TireRack had them on sale plus a $70 rebate, Good price for a great tire. Ted