We got the Prius C last week, so far we are loving it. My question, How do we turn off the Bright Orange Passenger Airbag light? It comes on but will not go off, It really catches the eye when you look at the dash.
You can't turn it off, it's supposed to be on. Some people have suggested covering with special stickers made to dim bright annoying lights like that. Or just tape.
If it really bothers you, 3M painter's tape doesn't leave a sticky residue. 3M Blue Putty is going to be obvious.
painter's tape will leave a residue if you leave it on for long extended periods of time. you could just yank both leds out.. the airbag light will always be on... whether it be the indicator that says ON... or the one that says OFF..
i know that this is not a real solution, but it does work to some degree. ive trained myself to not see it. if anyof you have worked in an environment where they play elevator music all the time eventually you just dont hear it anymore. not the greatest answer but it works for me until there is a software upgrade.
Are these plug-in style LED's? Or are they SMT and soldered directly on a board? I haven't taken anything like this apart on my C yet, but my Yaris (2010 era) had SMT LED's that are not easily removable (but could easily be covered with some tint if you got to the point of having the cluster apart).
If it was green it would not bug me. But it bright and orange. I found that my iPhone in the otterbox case fits right over the display...therefore my GPS covers the orange light.
Agreed... blue wouldn't be bad either. Orange is such a 'something's wrong' color. In any case, there have been at least a few threads on this subject. Hopefully if enough folks complain, Toyota will have a 'fix' via software/firmware/ECU update... or at least change the LED to a more pleasant color.
... it's been that color in past Toyota vehicles for years.. i don't think anyone has ever started complaining as much as i've seen until recently... my only guess is probably because of the location of where they put it.. but it's supposed to be noticeable in the first place.. there's no fix.. it's there for a reason, and noticeable for a reason. you want it a different color? you can do that yourself.
Can it be turned off in the C-3 model? Or, is there some black tape under "Passenger"? I don't see the orange icon in this video..
it's been edited out.. they needed to emphasize and show the mode lights and did so by only showing them. and yes.. they are SMT LEDs on a circuit board that requires soldering.. it's easy for me.. but is suppose more difficult for others.
Now that I'm getting old, I hate soldering those new SMD caps & resistors. They look like grains of pepper, to my failing eyes. My 'fix' for the bright blub icon would be a 15 mm x 15 mm square of translucent/filter tape. I drove the other night and the icon didn't bother me, so maybe my wife won't notice it. I do have some darkish Kapton tape, if she complains.