I have a usb thumb drive plugged into it. Yesterday, and all previous days, it worked fine. Today, it didn't recognize the usb device at first. I unplugged it, and plugged it back again, and it was recognized. It scanned the drive, but just kept on scanning. This happened several times. Sometimes the radio became silent, sometimes the unit powered off. Sometimes usb was detected, sometimes it was not. After a lot of amusing stuff, it finally is not recognized at all. I tested the usb thumb drive, and it works fine in my computer. I will take it to the dealer on monday, so they can figure out what went wrong. I wonder if there is a way to flash upgrade the entune unit? If so, it may be impossible to flash mine right nowif it is done through the usb port. I am most unimpressed with the programming for the entire entune unit. If it were not for the 'car' and 'settings' buttons, I would throw in in the trash.
Dealer says the entune unit is bad and has ordered a replacement. They also said there was no software update that they know of for the unit. Hopefully I will get it back tomorrow, working.