I have both a gen 2 and gen 3 Prius, with built in navigation. With the gen 2 one, I can update the maps simply by ordering a new DVD from TOYOTA Navigation Map Updates. It was about $200 a year ago or so. Now I want to update the maps in my gen 3 Prius, with HDD Navigation package. It turns out that this is a much more complicated procedure, which should be performed by the dealer. The price I was quoted for this is about $380! Anybody else that thinks this is a quite expensive? I checked the Toyota docs for the update procedure as well. It's very complicated. You'll need: * A special "HDD Map Update Tool Unit", which is apparently a device which converts between USB and Firewire. Denso part number 95079-11860. * A PC with special software * A map DVD * A USB stick with license keys * AC adaptors, lots of cables... I fail to understand why they had to make it this complicated, unless the purpose was actually to make it difficult. I wonder what the price of the equipement plus license+DVD is, anybody knows?
The price for the US version DVD is $180. You purchase an updated DVD, remove your existing DVD, replace it with the new DVD and on power up it automatically reloads the system with new maps, POI's, etc. All of your previously stored information and presets are saved elsewhere.
I think you missed the title and first post. The OP is talking about the hard drive version of the Nav system, not the DVD Nav system. Tom
No, not really. I understood that he was talking about the HDD version. I was just trying to at least give him an idea of what the DVD itself cost, at least for the US version.
I've just got an invoice for HDD navigation upgrade. It's 225,41 €, VAT included. Edit: sorry, before VAT
good thing the nav is totally useless anyways... i have the hdd "nav" and don't even want to look at that ugly crap let alone try to use it since I'll have to pull off the side of a highway and potentially die just to enter anything into it. i'll just keep using my garmin (which originally cost $110 brand new) that has way better features and lifetime free map updates.
Check with Carson Toyota, they have an online parts store that sells the nav update for $155. I know that for our Lexus we can buy from Sewell Lexus the USB stick with the updated database for $169. The instructions for DIY update are very easy. Plug USB stick and press the update button.
For those who have the HDD Nav unit - is the connection to the head unit USB or Firewire? If the former, there's really no good reason why we'd need to convert from firewire, unless it's assumed that the TechStream laptop requires it.
This would be for your iPhone or Android for music player functionality. Would be nice if it also functioned as the map update data port though.
If you have an iPhone, there's a free GPS app called Waze, and it is absolutely fantastic. • Turn-by-turn GPS, with a very responsive map • Can use Bluetooth to speak directions through car speaker • Exceptionally good traffic warnings, fueled automatically and semi-automatically by other Waze users • Informs you if police are nearby. This software is the best of the best of the best.
NO WAY! It's the best. Toyota obviously knew what they were doing and surly have the pulse of the latest technology and have a firm grasp on the concept of convenience and usability. Congratulations Toyota for putting such a high tech and easy to use navigation system in one of the most technologically advanced cars to date. It's surely is a showpiece in my car that I am not embarrassed AT ALL to demonstrate to my friends and family.
The problem is twofold: Toyota writes software following the rules of automotive engineering, and the lead times of their cars is incompatible with the rate of change in the market. Until Toyota lets you run a certified smartphone app on the big screen, their tech will always be outdated. On the plus side, they did a great job with media playback. Their system can index 16 gigabytes of music on a USB stick and it rapidly displays and sorts the content and all of its data. Music-wise, it's great, but their application software is all pathetic.
I doubt I will ever pay for a map update. My old GPS from 2006 was working just fine for me until I got the nav in the Prius. Now I have maps that are probably 5 years newer.
prius-club.su/index.php/topic,1569.0.html here is an update manual for prius 30 hdd navigation system including ready for deploy free hdd image and password for genuine hdd