I just replaced my right side steering wheel buttons in order to add phone buttons. It's pretty easy - basically: 1. remove ground from battery and wait a couple minutes (don't skip this step or you'll have a bad case of airbag-face) 2. there are 2 rectangular panels that pop off each side of the steering wheel - you pop them off with a very small flat head. 3. under each panel there is a screw - you unscrew them but they do not actually come off fully 4. the steering wheel pad lifts off with a little pressure 5. you can now pop off either side of the control buttons by pulling with moderate pressure - they are connected to the wheel by a single cable that you disconnect - the cable is also secured by a black plastic wire wrap that you'll have to cut off. You can now pop in a new button assembly and reverse the process - takes under 30 minutes. You can snoop around on ebay for new button assemblies and get it there - a lot of times you'll have to buy the entire steering wheel (I did) for about 80 bucks or so.
Thank You Dianeinreno!!! I'll start inspecting & try to find the replacement buttons via eBay or the dealer. I really appreciate your sharing your tips and your experience w/this situation. Take Care, Ken
Hi Diane: Per your suggestion, I was able to purchase both button assy's from an eBay seller and they are now in my possession, so again, THANKS! Last night I attempted to do the replacement but was stifled due to my uncertainty & resistance I met when trying to remove the "two rectangular panels that pop off each side of the steering wheel" that you mentioned. Are there two per side? Are they directly behind the steering wheel's gripping ring, or behind the actual moving part of the wheel on the stationary shaft/housing of the steering wheel assy??? Sorry I'm a bit dense in this matter. All I can find facing me are the two button assy covers and the Air Bag cover. And behind the wheel is a somewhat flexible round plastic shroud that goes around the entire wheel. Thank for your clarification. Ken
Ken, The two panels are at the 3 and 9 o'clock positions on the wheel - just behind the steering wheel itself.. At those positions you will see a rectangular groove on each side about 1.5 inches tall and a bit smaller in width . Slide a flathead jewelers screwdriver into each groove and the panel will pop off and you can reach the screws which you must loosen fully (but they will not actually come out). Do remember to disconnect your 12v battery first and wait a couple minutes before messing with the steering wheel. The airbag is located in that pad. If it activates not only will you possibly (likely??) suffer injuries but an unerasable "airbag deployed" code will be placed into your computer that will show up in the next trip to the dealer and hence in a carfax - meaning that your car will decrease substantially in value. Hey - someone just bought my ebay buttons that I was selling last week. Was that you by any chance?
Hi: Do you mean that the panels are on the non-moving portion behind the steering wheel assembly, the non-moving portion that has one each Philips head screw in each??? If so, it would appear I need to rotate the wheel 90 degrees in order to access these screws, but I don't see what these screws on the non-moving portion of the wheel have to do with removing the buttons... Please clarify, or if you are willing, please call me on 541/301.5006 to discuss. Thanks! And Yes!!! I heeded your warning to disconnect the 12V battery and I waited about 30 minutes for total drain down before commencing... I'll do that same drill again. I bought my buttons from the ebay seller named: allyouneed4less . is that chu???
Hi D: When I look immed. on the back side of the steering wheel, I see what could be 1 ea. irregularly shaped . dimpled finish, '1-1.5 inch tall plastic panels' each of which may contain a slight indent on one of the bottom corners where I may be able to get a Jewler's screwdriver into and pry off. I'll do this excersise again to see if, after bleeding the battery off, I can remove and get in behind to loosen screws. I'll let you know! Thanks, Ken