Sorry..had G-girls confused with the Cow-girls two beat downs. Eagles had best record in division, 5-1. Always a season salvage stat. Wonder if I can get an Eagles rear bumper protector to put over the applique?
I don't think the BSMs look too busy. I think they look great! Without them the acreage of the back door is the least good looking thing about the Prius. The tinting helps too by hiding the vertical lines of the windows. Both together emphasize the horizontal lines making the car look longer than it is and lower than it is .
Yup, the BSMs really do make the car look longer than it really is. I was parked next to another BP PiP (totally plain, no tint, not BSMs, not LRMs) about a week ago and there really is a visual difference.
I just put the 2 smaller HOV stickers on also with pretty much the same thought process. I don't agree with putting a sticker that’s usefulness won't outlast my paint on my car. If the cop is going to be a dick and pull me over for that he has plenty more to hit me with and probably planned on it prior to pulling me over for the HOV sticker placement. I put one on the lower front driver’s corner of the windshield and one in the lower passenger corner of the top glass of the rear hatch. I keep the 2 larger ones in my glove box along with the HOV registration. Honestly I don't see a cop wasting his time with a ticket like that. I really like that rear bumper protector. I'm sure I'm not the only one that did this but I purchased the plug-in bumper appliqué and proceeded to waste like 34$ trying to install it my self (well with a friend helping). I've done banners/vinyl many times before but holly cow is that a different animal.